Friday, August 5, 2011

John Kerry urges media to ignore Tea Party; they're not 'real'

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August 05, 2011
On Today's Program

Disturbing: John Kerry urges media to ignore the Tea Party
When you can't win the argument, there is always the route John Kerry chose: he told the media they had a responsibility to ignore the Tea Party. He said it's an 'absurd notion' that everyone knows isn't factual. BUT - he did make sure to say it 'politely' -- because communism is so much better when it has manners! Full story from radio HERE.
Glenn interviews Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on radio today - listen to the full interview HERE.
Obama celebrates in grand style while economy continues to burn
The Dow tanked over 500 points, unemployment is still crappy, Europe and the rest of the world (including America) is coming apart at the seams -- but none of that could put a damper on Obama's star studded birthday bash! Don't worry - they knew that turning the White House into a night club wouldn't be the best PR move during these tough economic times, so they closed it to the press and no pictures. Problem solved! Full story HERE.
Mayor wants 1791 factory in her town, commissioners complain
During the launch event for GBTV, Glenn talked about his vision to make the 1791 clothing line into his own sort of Newman's Own - where the proceeds go towards humanitarian efforts. Glenn's vision included starting the clothing factory in a town that desperately needed revitalization - one mayor tried to do just that, but ran into a little trouble from a few partisan politicians. Glenn spoke with the mayor who wants 1791 on radio today - WATCH.
Restoring Courage: 8.24 is rapidly approaching and your time to support the event is running out. TODAY is the last day for the official Restoring Courage and Restoring Honor Collectors Coins. Net proceeds of these items will go towards the cost of the event. Last day to pre-order is TODAY – order now! Why stand with Israel? WATCH.
There's a better coffee than the one you are drinking...
There are only a few basic necessities in life: food, clothing, shelter and of course, coffee. Yet inexplicably, countless Americans sacrifice quality when it comes to their daily coffee. Free yourself from the chains of horrible coffee--- enjoy it! Thanks to you get $20 at for just $10! Get your Markdown HERE.
New on GBTV: Check out the new "Uncensored" episode now available: S.E. Cupp sits down with under-the-radar GOP presidential candidate Thad McCotter. The Congressman envisions what America might look like if President Obama get's reelected – FREE CLIP. GBTV subscribers can see the entire interview now available on demand.
Spooky Conversation: Glenn & Brad Thor talk government intrusion
Ever wonder just how much the government really knows about you? Author Brad Thor has talked to hundreds of contacts behind the scenes in government who are frightened by what they are seeing and the amount of information the government has. If you feel like rattling your comfort zone around a little bit - check out this conversation from radio today HERE.
Current crop of possible Obama opponents in the Presidential race got ya down? If you haven't made your mind up yet, get more information. Since Obama was elected, Glenn has sat down with Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry and more as they share their thoughts on the issues facing America – get the interviews HERE.
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