Monday, August 8, 2011

Another Obamanomics victim: America's AAA credit rating

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August 08, 2011
On Today's Program

America's Credit rating survived Great Depression, but not two years of Obama
Not long ago, Timothy Geithner said America would definitely NOT lose its AAA rating - while Glenn was warning it was coming. Obviously Glenn is not happy about being right this time, but it'd be nice if the experts would open their eyes. The next problem they'll ignore? Revered economists like Warren Buffett are saying, 'Hey, we can always print money!' Oy, will we ever learn? Glenn has more on radio today about America's credit downgrade - the first one ever - details HERE.
The book Glenn Beck says could be bigger than the Twilight series
Glenn's publishing imprint, Mercury Ink launches its first book tomorrow! Michael Vey, The Prisoner of Cell 25 by NYT bestselling author Richard Paul Evans, is like nothing you've read before. It's the young adult sci-fi thriller for a new generation! Check out the book details HERE and read an excerpt from the book at the Michael Vey Facebook page.
Left blames credit downgrade on... 
Shocker: The Tea Party! John Kerry appears to have coined the phrase 'the Tea Party downgrade' and it's spreading across the media. The left constantly excused Obama on the economy by saying he 'inherited' this economic mess - well, he also inherited a AAA credit rating. No getting around being the first President in history to blow that. But they're trying - Glenn has more shocking examples of blatant lies and blame game from the left - get out the duct tape and listen HERE.
16 days away...
Just over two weeks away from Restoring Courage in Jerusalem and support is rapidly expanding. Glenn announced on radio today that over 1,000 viewing parties are being planned all across the world. Glenn talked on radio today about some of the programming details for the three events that he believes will send 'chills' to anyone watching. He also announced a special guest who will be contributing - find out who it is HERE.
The only place you can see Restoring Courage other than Israel? GBTV
Viewing parties have sprouted around the globe, all of which are accessing the event through the only channel it's on: GBTV! But that's just the beginning - GBTV is the epicenter of Glenn's creative vision. Get a glimpse of that vision, which includes a stunning newsroom for The Blaze to bring news exclusively to GBTV subscribers - watch the FREE video tour and become part of GBTV now!
Senator Rand Paul Takes on the Billion Dollar Big Labor Political Machine

He's asking the American people to help by being his "sledgehammer" in Congress against the union bosses' corrupt eight billion dollar a year forced dues scheme. Join with Senator Paul now.

Sponsor Message
Thoughts & Prayers with our troops after deadly copter crash: It was the deadliest single incident for American forces in the decade-long war after the Taliban shot down a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. A dark day and a stark reminder that freedom isn't free. THANK YOU to all those who defend us. From The Blaze: Hear heartbroken grandmother tell CNN why her fallen Navy Seal did not fear death; Navy Seal widow 'I just fell to my knees'; Seal Community mourns tremendous loss.
White kids mow down random African American victim
In Mississippi a group of white teens went on a mission to hurt a random African American victim. They found 49-year-old James Craig Anderson, whose life was senselessly taken in a horrific scene, much of which was caught on security video. Extremely disturbing - Glenn reacts to the hate crime on radio today. WATCH 

Kentucky communities teach kids conservative values at summer camps - get the full story HERE.
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