October 7, 2010 | On Today's Program Obama's America = food stamps A record 41.8 million people are now using food stamps to buy some or all of their food. Now that progressives are dishing out your food - they are swooping in to control what you eat by looking to ban buying soda with food stamps. Glenn's first reaction to this news wasn't as calm and collected as he'd hoped. Hear about it on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) Lawrence O'Donnell is a coward Glenn has the audio on radio today of the new MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell interviewing RNC Chairman Michael Steele. The interview was pre-taped and O'Donnell later does a live intro where he basically calls Steele a slave who 'dances' to his 'masters' in charge. Wow. Sounds like MSNBC just hired a racist. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) Get more on the story at The Blaze. Who is Stuart Chase? Glenn got bombarded with Tweets last night about Fabian Socialists. They're a group of socialists who formed in 1884 and had a different idea on how to approach achieving their goals. They described themselves as wolves in sheep's clothing, dangerous but unassuming. Glenn has more on radio today about the movement still operating to this day. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) October Surprises? It's that time of the election cycle - time for the dirty trick. What do the Democrats have up their sleeve this time? Editor of RedState.com Erick-Woods Erickson has the answer in a special to the Glenn Beck email newsletter. READ More election tomfoolery: A Republican supports tax breaks for BP!!! PANIC!!! Get the details in Stu's latest BLOG. How to change a life: Get a firsthand look at how the 40 day and 40 night challenge impacted people's lives - exclusively in the November issue of Fusion magazine. Beck University is back! Offered exclusively to Insider Extreme members, this semester of Beck University features super-sized classes with two half hour lectures in each class to give you even more information. Get the semester schedule and class details HERE. The first class will premiere this coming Wednesday, October 13th at 8 pm. Be sure to watch the previous semester classes that are availalble on demand so you are ready to go for Wednesday. Not a member of Insider Extreme? Don't miss out and sign up HERE. Tonight on TV: The economic indicators too important not to tell your disengaged friends - don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |