October 5, 2010  | On Today's Program Firemen let house burn over $75 It's hard to believe but yes, a fire department actually allowed a house to burn to the ground as they watched because the homeowner had not paid the $75 fee to the fire department. If the rules were stated clearly, then perhaps the homeowner was rolling the dice to save $75 bucks. Or should they have just put out the flame and fined him after? Or something completely different? Glenn discusses it on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) Ed Schultz = Delusional: MSNBC claims Big Ed Rally equaled the size of Restoring Honor. Pictures to back it up? Zero. Glenn shows the side by side comparison and what the media should really be talking about in the latest Beck Talks video blog. WATCH It's a precarious time Glenn read a fairly accurate piece from The Jerusalem Post on radio today and talked about the precarious position America is in. Glenn believes America's greatest generation is not behind us, but ahead of us. The question that remains: Are you ready to lead when the time comes? Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) New Stu Blog: Congressman Dingell must be rusty because his attack ads are pathetic. Stu breaks down one of the weakest attacks ever HERE.  Now Playing on Insider Extreme: Insider exclusive: Tickets are on sale now exclusively to Insider members for 8 new cities that were recently announced for Glenn Beck Live. The public on sale will begin this Friday, October 8th. Find out if he is coming to your city HERE. Today’s 4th Hour: Stu & Pat love nothing more than a comedian bombing - and this guy really bombed at the 10-2-10 rally. Members can listen to the 4th hour HERE. Beck University: Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a BIG announcement about the upcoming semester at Beck University! Not a member? Get all the details HERE. Environmental extremism On the outside they look like people who just want to make sure the Earth doesn't explode. But is there more to the agenda than just saving the Earth? Unfortunately yes - and environmental extremism is quickly becoming something we actually have to pay attention to and not just laugh at. If they truly believe humans are destroying the Earth, what are they capable of? Glenn looks at their own words on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Promise Me The formula for love is pretty simple: Love = Joy + Pain. There’s not much we truly love in this world that doesn’t bring us agony at times. Our country? Check. Our spouses? Absolutely. Our kids? Joy beyond words and pain beyond description (especially at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning). That paradox is one of the issues that international bestselling author (and friend of Glenn’s) Richard Paul Evans explores in his brand new book called “Promise Me.” Richard has agreed to allow our newsletter subscribers to read the first two chapters for free. But be warned, once Richard hooks you with a story, he never lets go…which is probably why he has over 13 million copies of his books in print. So click HERE at your own risk! Tonight on TV: President Obama keeps relentlessly defending his discontinuation of the Bush tax cuts. Glenn explains why this is a bad idea tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! |