October 1, 2010  | On Today’s Program Media catching on? Is the media catching on that maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama is NOT the chosen one and he's actually destroying the country? Jake Tapper seems to be, but then again Tapper has always been tough. Here he is getting tough and slapping Robert Gibbs around at a White House press conference. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) The most important test of your life... Glenn says the most important test of your life could be on the way. Why? Plenty of reasons, but one in particular jumped out today: The U.N. actually warned that global unrest was coming - even in the United States. How can you prepare for this test? Glenn has the answer on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) Popular control of private industry? That's an idea being pushed by a powerful progressive. Glenn breaks down the quote and the choice Americans are being presented with today. What will it be? Find out in this free video clip. WATCH  Glenn Beck Live – ON SALE NOW: Tickets are on sale now exclusively to Insider members for the 8 new cities that were recently announced for April 2011. The public on sale will begin next Friday, October 8th. Get your tickets and find out if Glenn is coming to a city near you HERE. Can't wait that long? Glenn is giving a speech at Six Flags in New Jersey on Saturday. Get all the details on the appearance HERE. Rick Sanchez calls Stewart, Colbert bigots What is Rick's proof? They make fun of him on a nightly basis and call him stupid. Rick, did you ever consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you say a LOT of stupid things? Like “Up next ad-lib a tease”? More details from The Blaze. $5 T-shirt: Get the very same t-shirt that Glenn is wearing on the cover of his newest book Broke. The book retails for $29.99 so buying the book and t-shirt combo pack gets you the t-Shirt for only $5! Pre-order yours now. ON DEMAND: If you missed the special broadcast of Restoring Honor: 8/28 the Documentary it is now available on demand. Also included is the exclusive pre-show with Glenn and Scott Baker from The Blaze where they discussed the stories that didn’t make the cut. Plus be sure to tune in next week for the big announcement on the upcoming semester at Beck University! Don’t miss out on these exclusive features and more – sign up for Insider Extreme now. Tonight on TV: Glenn breaks down the 'Global Trends' report - what do the elites see as the future of global governance? Find out tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |