October 13, 2010  | On Today's Program Glenn is BACK! Glenn is finally back after taking some time off to undergo medical testing - he's doing fine and so far the news has been good news. Doctors will continue to monitor the situation, but again, so far so good. Glenn is incredibly thankful for the news but also extremely thankful for all the love and support from those who wrote in with such kind words of encouragement and prayer. They were definitely felt. Glenn has more of the details on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) The border: Still unsecure, still unsafe. Darrell Ankarlo has been on the front lines on this topic for years and has the latest in this exclusive op-ed for the Glenn Beck email newsletter. You can read it HERE. Bill Clinton says Americans need 'psychiatric' help The man from Hope doesn't seem to be giving a very hopeful message these days, calling half of America angry souls who are in need of 'psychiatric' help. It's one thing when a talking head says something like that - but a former President of the United States? Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)  Beck University tonight! Insider Extreme kicks off the second semester of Beck University TONIGHT in a two part opening class. The first part is on Manifest Destiny and Divine Providence, and part two is on why America is a Republic and not a Democracy. Get the education progressives hope you avoid - Beck University! Available exclusively to Insider Extreme members – get all the details HERE on how to attend. Democrats having trouble 'explaining' accomplishments Democrats are blaming their impending massive defeat on the fact that it's just 'too hard to explain' all of the wonderful accomplishments they've made since grabbing power years ago. It was Joe Biden who made this claim, which is partially true because it is very difficult to explain the positives in completely destroying the country. Glenn reacts on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) and you can read the full story HERE. Obama admin thinks kids = lab rats From The Blaze (in a story that shows Cass Sunstein’s lab rat style governing in action) the Obama administration is trying to manipulate kids into eating healthier foods. The Blaze reports, “The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today it is giving $2 million to food behavior scientists to use marketing tricks to encourage kids to pick fruits and veggies over cookies and french fries.” Eating healthier foods is a good thing. Government manipulating our children with experimental psychology? Not good. Read the full story HERE. Tonight on TV: Glenn is finally back - don't miss his take on the Chili mine situation and much more! Tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |