October 4, 2010  | On Today's Program Socialists descend on Washington The One Nation Rally happened this weekend and it was quite the opposite from 8/28 in many ways. First, the message: big government vs. personal responsibility and individual liberties. Second, the crowd: there were far, far fewer people in attendance (despite the free bus ride). Third, the trash: despite having a tenth of the people at the mall, they trashed the place. The crowd at 8/28 left the place spotless. How could that happen? Glenn explains on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) Visit The Blaze for the side by side photo comparison of the 10/2 and 8/28 rallies. What THEY want: For a glimpse at what the Marxists who descended on Washington this weekend want America to look like - WATCH this free video clip. We've lost one of the greats The media industry lost one of the greats last week - Rick Sanchez has been fired by CNN. Sanchez was the gift to the conservative radio talk show world that kept on giving, providing a never ending supply of idiotic statements to replay over and over again. Timeless classics such as “Up next ad-lib a tease” and “Hawaii and long words like that” never get old. Glenn mourns an actual good decision by CNN on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)  See Glenn Live: Glenn is taking his show on the road and tickets are on sale NOW exclusively to Insider members for the 8 new cities that were recently announced. The public on sale will begin this Friday, October 8th. Find out if Glenn is coming to your city HERE. Can abortion be a kindness? A commentary that has to be heard to be believed, Glenn has the audio from the BBC in which smothering babies with pillows can actually be the kind thing to do. It's the complete lives, national health insurance type of thinking - they are a burden to others, so their time is up. Listen to Glenn play the disturbing audio and react. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Glenn's must read: Ok this one falls into the tedious category, but Glenn feels everyone must read BONHOEFFER: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy - A Righteous Gentile vs. The Third Reich. Get your copy HERE. Insider Extreme: Czar-at-Large Brian Sack takes a hard hitting look at the stories and topics Glenn covered last week including the President's assassination list - who's really on it? Czar Sack gets to the bottom of it. Plus check out what else is coming up this week on Insider Extreme. Not a member yet? Sign up now. Tonight on TV: The One Nation Rally revealed its true colors and the true choice America is facing today. Glenn reacts to the Marxist march this weekend in DC. Don’t miss it at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |