October 28, 2010  | On Today’s Program Election choice: You are stupid or you are the key Once again progressives cannot hide their disdain for the American people - calling them 'stupid' and even comparing them to dogs. Glenn explains the choice this election. It's not just left and right, it's about believing the people are capable vs. believing the people are morons who need to be controlled. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) You asked for it You asked Glenn three questions: One - How did we get here? Two - Is it really that bad? Three - What do we do about it? Glenn explains on radio today how his latest book, BROKE, is the response to these questions and is the reason why he organized the book into three sections. He's spent a year coming up with these answers and talks about why Broke will be a book you can use for the next 20 years - FREE CLIP. Be sure to order your copy now! Get your copy of BROKE signed this weekend! Glenn is hitting the road for a book tour this Friday and Saturday. Get all the details and find out where he will be HERE.  Sarah Palin asked to denounce Glenn Desperation is not pretty- and Media Matters is desperate again. Just like in high school when Media Matters employees were desperately trying to get a friend, they are desperately seeking friends now. These brainiacs baselessly thought it was a good idea to ask Sarah Palin for help in their quest to silence Glenn. How'd that work out? Glenn spoke with Sarah on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) Obama to Stewart: we've put a structure in place Just like Glenn said on TV last night, every time Obama goes off prompter he reveals his true self. While defending against Stewart's claim that the health care bill was too timid, Obama confirmed everything Glenn has said about how once progressives get in the door they just keep expanding. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Get Glenn on Election Night! Insider Extreme is the only place you will be able to find Glenn on election night. Tune in at 7pm EST for complete in-depth team coverage of all the fast paced results as they happen. Coverage will last as long as Glenn, Pat & Stu can stay awake – one election night the broadcast was still going strong at 4 am. Get all the details and check out this special election message from Czar-At-Large Brian Sack HERE. Instant Glenn Beck alerts: Text “join” to 56864 to begin receiving urgent updates regarding anything and everything pertaining to Glenn. Only the important stuff - we promise! Meet Glenn in New York City: Here is your chance to ask Glenn anything and watch an hour of the radio program live from the studio to benefit Musicians On Call. Click HERE to place your bid. Tonight on TV: The winning slogan in 2008 was “Yes we can”. What must the winning slogan be for the Republic in 2012? Find out tonight at 5 pm on the Fox News Channel. |