Monday, February 7, 2011

New progressive claim: Reagan = Obama

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February 07, 2011
On Today's Program

Left attempting to hijack Reagan's legacy?

The left knows no shame - now they are openly trying to make the case that Barack Obama is more like President Ronald Reagan than anyone else. As Pat Gray put it on radio, that's an insult to the intelligence of every single American - left, right, independent. Glenn plays the ridiculous audio and unloads on radio today. Watch the clip HERE.

What's up with the love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Memo to Obama, the media, and everyone else singing the praises of the Muslim Brotherhood - their 'brotherhood' isn't the good kind of brotherhood. It's the 'hey, let's go to war with Israel' kind of brotherhood. But that hasn't stopped the media (even conservatives), Obama and more from turning the other cheek. Glenn plays the Muslim Brotherhood in their own words - you decide if it's worth getting in bed with them or not. Get the details on radio today at

S.E. Cupp TOMORROW!  Haven't signed up for Insider Extreme? What are you waiting for? It's better than ever – SE Cupp's new show airs tomorrow at 1 pm ET exclusively on Insider Extreme. Check out what is on tap for premiere week and join Insider Extreme today. Plus check out S.E.'s op-ed that makes the case for Michele Bachmann 2012.


Glenn's Super Bowl recap

Since Glenn knows absolutely nothing about sports (he called NFL players 'sports players' today) his Super Bowl recap focused more on the brain cell killing halftime show, the National Anthem flub and baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez's unfortunate cameo appearance where girlfriend Cameron Diaz is feeding him popcorn (barf). What is Glenn's biggest beef with those 'sports players' on Sunday? Find out at!

PC police attacking Super Bowl ads: America will not last long if the overly sensitive PC police have their way - like the pathetic people who are complaining over the hilarious Groupon commercials that focused on Whales and Tibet. Check out Glenn's reaction and get the full story from The Blaze.

Programming Alert: Starting this week, "The 7...Live" is moving to Wednesdays at 2pm ET. This week we have Dave Dzien, the 53 year old divorced father of 2 returning for his second session with Dr. Ablow. They have been skyping and emailing quite a bit. How has he been doing? You can find out by watching this week's episode for FREE on Wednesday. You can watch previous episodes HERE.

AOL buys Huffington Post for $315 million: Wonder how all those unpaid leftist bloggers over at Huffpo, who constantly railed against the corporate media, feel about being owned by AOL? And making Arianna even richer than she was before? Glenn reacts to the sale on radio today. WATCH

Hypocrisy: Matt Drudge points out White House double standard with 2 headlines: "The White House Super Bowl menu: Bratwurst, Kielbasa, Cheeseburgers, Deep Dish Pizza, Buffalo Wings, Potato Salad, Twice Baked Potatoes, Potato chips, pretzels, chips and dips, salad, ice cream" The next headline: "Restaurant nutrition draws focus of first lady"
Looking for last minute Valentine's Day gift ideas?  Treat your valentine with some sweet gifts from the Glenn Beck Store. Spend $50 or more and get free shipping! Start shopping HERE.

TV Tonight: The Muslim Brotherhood in their own words - why would anyone in their right mind support them? The shocking video no one else will show TONIGHT at 5pm, only on The Fox News Channel!

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