| November 08, 2011 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Why does Glenn have raw fish and large knives on the set tonight? Find out PLUS see the media's latest brazen attempts to spin the news to fit their agenda...Glenn previews tonight's show HERE. TOMORROW: Glenn hits the road for the CMAs and will be talking to some of country music's biggest stars from Nashville! GBTV will bring you a behind-the-scenes tour of the 'Home of Country Music.' It's a live celebration of everything country. Don't miss tomorrow's special broadcast live at 5 pm ET only on GBTV. Herman Cain accuser bizarrely happy You'd think someone revealing perhaps one of the worst & most traumatic events in their lifetime would be extremely nervous, emotional, and sad. But that's not what Herman Cain's latest accuser is -- she's happier than ever! Laughing, joking - even her attorney Gloria Allred was feeling chipper enough to drop one liners about Cain's 'stimulus package' during the presser. Is this the behavior of someone who is telling the truth? Glenn, Pat and Stu break down the audio on radio today. WATCH Media chooses agenda over rape victims The media should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for their outlandish hypocrisy when it comes to coverage of sexual scandals. Relentless coverage of Cain's problems (in one week more coverage of Cain than Wright, Rezko & Ayers during the ENTIRE OBAMA PRESIDENTIAL RUN) and the coverage of the Penn State sex scandal would lead you to believe that the press cares about prominent sexual assault stories. But does the same media attention happen on Occupy Wall Street's rape problem? WATCH.  We Are Brothers: Do you believe that America and Israel are far more than just allies? If so then watch this flip-book featuring a few of the over 30,000 photos we took last summer. Together they tell a story of choosing courage over fear and light over darkness; a story we've captured in WE ARE BROTHERS - an oversized coffee table book unlike anything you've ever seen. This holiday, give the gift of Israel to someone you love. Pre-order your copy HERE. WIND host Amy Jacobson on Cain scandal Amy is a host on Glenn's Chicago affiliate WIND and was actually at the event (along with Glenn) that Herman Cain attended where a confrontation occurred between Cain and the accuser. Jacobsen claims to have actually seen that confrontation and has a different view of the accuser than most. The accuser was a 'friend' of the radio community according to Jacobson -- but is that enough to buy her story? Check out Glenn's interview with Amy HERE. Brian Sack dealt another setback Just when Brian Sack was excited to finally get his show, The B.S. of A., up and running after 27 long years of promotion and tense build up they were dealt some bad news. Their debut show on GBTV this Friday at 7pm ET would not get the normal light lead in programming afforded to most comedy shows -- instead, they will air immediately following a gut wrenching movie ( The Hiding Place) about the Holocaust. Glenn interviews the *always entertaining Brian Sack on radio today. WATCH. *if 'always' = 'rarely' | | Disaster destroys your home and town, where and what will you eat? When disaster strikes you must walk farther, faster and longer; trust in the Long Range Patrol Ration Entrée. Feed a family of four for two weeks, on the go, available ONLY from the Freeze Dry Guy. Sponsor Message | | | Occupy ready to expand: Central Park Occupy Wall Street is gearing up to expand their sexual assaults, rapes, drug addictions, misfits, and general debauchery to Central Park. Residents who paid a ton of money to have a pristine view of an absolutely gorgeous plot of land get ready! Occupy Wall Street protesters are planning to transform Central Park 'into a cultural common ground where people can come together through the arts, space, and globality.' Is globality even a word? Get the full story from The Blaze HERE. Stu Blog: The state of the Presidential field in bite sized chunks get the rundown HERE. Snow Angel affects Beck staffer Natasha Glenn's latest book The Snow Angel is hitting home to many Americans who have suffered from abuse within their own families. Glenn's radio producer Natasha had no idea the rush of emotion that the book would trigger when she decided to take the bosses book home for a read. It hit so close to home Glenn talked with her about it on GBTV this week - you can check out that interview HERE. Thanksgiving is almost here! Cheesy mashed potatoes and gravy, creamy butter sliding down your corn on the cob and a plate of turkey packed to the brim Thanksgiving is almost here! Today's Markdown deal from CHEFS, including a try-ply roasting pan, turkey lifters and a serving platter will have you ready for the best Thanksgiving in years. Visit Markdown.com for details. | | | | | |
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