| November 28, 2011 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Europe is melting down and Pakistan is in trouble. Will these accelerate our economic problems? Plus a story of inspiration and hope you don't want to miss. Glenn previews tonight's show - it's live at 5pm ET only on GBTV! GREAT DEAL - Roku & GBTV: 350 Channels of Sports, Movies and Television. . . Markdown.com has the perfect gift idea for Cyber Monday - a Roku 2 HD streaming player AND a one year subscription to GBTV. With Roku, you can stream HD video (up to 720 p) to your TV from Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon and more! With GBTV Plus, you're able to watch Glenn's daily two hour show, and much, much more. Cut the cable today and experience the future of television with Roku and GBTV! Click HERE for details. Media to Glenn: You were right! Stop the presses - The Daily Beast, a left wing rag of a website, actually acknowledged that one of Glenn's many predictions has come true! Which one was it? Find out HERE. Want to find out how to become an anchor on MSNBC? CLICK HERE! Man dies at Black Friday, people step over him to get to sale Ever wonder what kind of people we are turning into? Hopefully the latest news out of the holiday weekend isn't indicative of where we are headed as a nation. A man had a heart attack at Target during the big sale and rather than offer to help, people just stepped right over him to get housewares they just had to have. Get the story HERE.  Occupy Cyber Monday: LJ has gone loco once again and now finds himself hanging out with some of the hippies down on Wall Street. While LJ may be suffering from innumerable diseases and assaults - you get to benefit with some great deals on shirts, mugs, polos, and more! Take advantage of LJ's horrible business skills HERE! Former Sec. of State blames media, Tea Party for nation's problems: Because progressives really don't want to admit that spending and a lack of constitutional values are responsible for the trouble the country now faces! What kind of excuses does Colin Powell come up with for why Washington can't find any solutions? Find out HERE. What is Constitutional Conservatism? Find out HERE. Thirteen Days that shook the world! What if a reporter was embedded with George Washington during the height of the Revolutionary War? Josiah Teasdale was hired by James Rivington to do just that. For the next two weeks @NYGazetteer will take you into the trenches, across the Delaware, and into the Battle of Trenton, in real time. Get more HERE. The Being George Washington Book Tour: 11 cities in 3 days - Will Glenn be at a bookstore near you? Find out HERE. | | | | Pepper sprayed students admit they provoked cops Wow just a week ago pundits in the mainstream media were declaring this the 'Kent State moment' for Occupy Wall Street, while at the same time amateur photoshoppers across the world were turning the incident into the latest internet meme. Shockingly, the viral "outrage" that accompanied video and photos of the incident may turn out to be as baseless as the claims that the 'Occupy' movement is grassroots. Like much of the 'Occupy' movement the UC Davis incident is rooted in lies, manipulation, and a whole lot of bullcrap. Get more HERE. Obama nixes 'God' from Thanksgiving message The President delivered the traditional Thanksgiving message from the White House last week and of course he botched it just like pretty much everything else he's done since taking office. Should we really expect him to start fixing the nation's problems when he can't even deliver a decent holiday message? Glenn goes to the original, George Washington, to show Obama how it's done. WATCH Thank God I'm American: After stories of American's running over each other for Black Friday shopping deals, it's important to slow down and remember how blessed we truly are as a nation. President Obama may have left God out of his Thanksgiving message, but don't make the same mistake. Take time to give thanks for the blessing it is to be an American. READ. Glenn interviews TX Congressman Louie Gohmert: WATCH | | | | | |
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