Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WATCH: Fallon's inexcusable cheap shot at Bachmann

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November 22, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Father and sons from all over the country - A two hour must watch special on George Washington, as you've never seen him before. If you think you know him, think again. You'll never look at history the same way again. Don't miss tonight's special GBTV broadcast live at 5 pm ET. Glenn previews tonight's show - WATCH.
Also on GBTV: A very special fun for the whole family Thanksgiving episode of The B.S. of A. featuring Pumpernickel Boulevard & Pilgrim Funnies - don't miss it tonight at 7pm only on GBTV Plus!  
Glenn's new book Being George Washington hit bookstores today! What were George Washington's final moments like? Glenn reads the dramatic end of America's indispensable man on radio today. WATCH.
Imus & Glenn spar over Washington
Glenn appeared on the "Imus in the Morning" program today and the interview quickly descended into the usual can-you-top-this insult fest. A quick look at the scoreboard shows Glenn leading the way with 4 old guy jokes and Imus registering at least 2 unintelligible retorts. Another classic interview - check it out HERE.  

How will Glenn ruin Thanksgiving? Apocalypse Packets
Only Glenn Beck would hand out Thanksgiving packets to the family. Pat & Stu quickly renamed them 'Apocalypse Packets' and Glenn seemed amicable to this description. Why is he handing them out to anyone in the family who will take them? What does one of these packets consist of? Get the answers on radio today. WATCH.
If Glenn had to vote today - who would it be?
While Glenn doesn't endorse candidates, there is one candidate he has consistently held in high regard and if he had to vote today - it would be for this person. This candidate is one of only a couple politicians Glenn actually trusts. Who is it? Find out as Glenn reveals on radio today. WATCH.
Despicable: "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" House Band plays 'Lyin' *ss b****' intro song for Bachmann appearance. STORY
Disaster destroys your home and town, where and what will you eat?

When disaster strikes you must walk farther, faster and longer; trust in the Long Range Patrol Ration Entrée. Feed a family of four for two weeks, on the go, available ONLY from the Freeze Dry Guy.

Sponsor Message
Texas woman fined over pro-Beck signs
You'd think Texas is the last place someone would take issue with a small sign on someone's 2 acre property - but that wasn't the case as one unlucky Texas couple found out. When they proudly displayed their 'Wake Up America!' 9/12 sign on their property, a homeowners association (they claim they don't belong to) swooped in for the kill and fined them $7000. Glenn interviews the homeowner on radio today. WATCH
Thankful for a special woman in your life? Markdown.com has a great gift idea for spoiling her! The luxurious gift package from Softwater Soapworks includes a medley of classic bath and body products with fragrances that include calming French Lavender, delicious French Vanilla & Cocoa and fresh and earthy Green Tea. Avoid the crowded malls and get her a gift she'll love while supporting another great small business. Get all of the details at Markdown.com.
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