TODAY ONLY 50 % off Glenn's new book Being George Washington
George Washington is often portrayed in a cartoonish light that is nothing like what the real man was all about. George Washington is one of Glenn's favorite people of all time and
Being George Washington is the book Glenn has always wanted to write. It's George Washington like you've never seen him before - the Washington progressives hoped America would forget. The book officially hits bookshelves everywhere next Tuesday but TODAY ONLY you can
pre-order your copy for 50% off at! Enjoy an exclusive preview from the introduction
Calling Fathers and Sons: Next Tuesday Glenn is doing a special show on George Washington and is looking for fathers and their sons to join the GBTV audience in NYC. Get all the details
Sandusky's tragic interview with Bob Costas
Bob Costas is one of the best interviewers on all of television and yesterday he teed off on Jerry Sandusky, the shamed former Penn State coach who was caught molesting young boys. How did Sandusky handle being tried in the court of public opinion? Not well considering his best answer was a sheepish, "I shouldn't have showered with those kids". His worst answer? When Costas asks if he is sexually attracted to young boys. Glenn plays the horrific response on radio today.
Can't make this stuff up: Sandusky's attorney impregnated a 17-year-old teenager he was representing back in 1996
Herman Cain's latest problem: Seems to have no idea what Libya is
This video is arguably worse than Rick Perry's gaffe at a recent GOP debate - it's Herman Cain attempting to answer a reporter's question about Libya. It's not a particularly difficult question, but Herman Cain says in the interview after a long pause "I've got a lot swirling around in my head" before finally giving an answer. Check out Cain's latest gaffe
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