Monday, June 20, 2011

WaPo calls Glenn anti-Semitic 'creature'

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June 20, 2011
On Today's Program

Leftists gone WILD! Watch as Glenn highlights the libs who just can't hide their anger & hatred any longer:

Van Jones still obsessed with Glenn

The Marxist revolutionary who says he dropped the radical pose for the radical ends unleashed an ugly tirade that revealed a biting hatred for anyone who disagrees with his radical views. During a recent speech, he just lost it and started to sound Howard Dean-ish: "Don't you MESS with our values!" he shouted, while adding that half of America is hateful & un-American. Then he revealed he's still obsessed with Glenn by making a desperate plea/challenge - similar to what a rejected stalker would do. What was the 'challenge'? Find out HERE.

Leftist Peace & Love guru unloads hateful Palin rant

Deepak Chopra is known as a spiritual, peace & love guru who has all the answers on how to be peaceful and lovingful, or something. He didn't seem too peaceful, however, in a recent piece he wrote on Sarah Palin. In fact, the whole thing seemed to go against his 'peace' principles spiel and was pretty angry sounding. Get all the details HERE.

WaPo calls Glenn a 'creature', attacks Lieberman

As Glenn predicted, anyone standing with Israel and Restoring Courage are coming under attack from the left. From Senator Lieberman to Shakira, anyone standing with Israel is getting heat. The Washington Post even referred to Glenn as a 'creature' which could be a first in journalism history. Amazingly, The Washington Post calls Glenn an anti-Semite and says he's only standing with Israel now because he's leaving Fox and trying to repair his career. Really? Glenn responds with something The Post seems to have a problem with: the facts. WATCH.

Stay Updated: Click "Like" on the Restoring Courage Facebook page to get updates on the event in Jerusalem.
How does The Original Argument apply today? Make the Original Argument to your idiot friends by fighting off their liberal drivel with the words of the founders! How? Glenn, Stu, and Pat demonstrate today on radio. WATCH. Get your copy of Glenn's latest book HERE.

NBC edits 'Under God' out of Pledge clip

To kick off extended coverage of the U.S. Open, NBC opened the golf major event with a video piece meant to stir up patriotic emotions since the event was being played at Congressional Country Club. The piece featured great clips of military juxtaposed with schoolchildren reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The problem? There was a glaring, completely unnecessary editing out of the phrase 'under God' and 'indivisible' from the piece. The on-air apology wasn't much better: Watch it and get Glenn's reaction HERE.

Czar-At-Large: You've heard about GBTV, but what do you know about BrianVision? Brian Sack is launching his very own "network" complete with documentaries and even Ukrainian newscasts! Check out a sneak peek of the "network" in a brand new Czar at Large on the GBTV Specials Tab! Plus available Wednesday, an all new Beck University class and Thursday at 7 pm ET the premiere episode of Making of GBTV.  Not a GBTV member? What are you waiting for? Get the details HERE.
Rick Perry goes off - stop trying to please libs: Governor Rick Perry fired up a crowd over the weekend with a rousing speech that, among other things, implored conservatives to stop bothering with all the pandering to the left. They'll never like us anyway, he reasoned, so why try? Get the details and Glenn's reaction HERE.

TV Tonight: Are we still one nation, under God? Are we still indivisible? With justice for 'all'? Don't miss the answer tonight at 5pm on Fox News! The final episodes on Fox News countdown - don't miss a second!
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