Thursday, June 23, 2011

Glenn vs. Caller: Is college worth it?

Glenn Beck Newsletter
June 23, 2011
On Today's Program
 Obama announces troop withdrawals

Obama made it official: more troops will be leaving Afghanistan. That'll teach the Taliban! Don't you keep trying to take over the country or else we'll leave! Glenn, Pat and Stu explain how ridiculous Obama's foreign policy has been using a very appropriate analogy. WATCH

Is Chris Matthews insane? Yup

It's pretty clear that Chris Matthews is losing his mind. He slurs his speech (says 'conserves' instead of 'conservatives') and has trouble speaking in complete sentences. And when he does manage to string enough words together to make a sentence, it's a horrible point. For example, Matthews recently called Glenn and Rush 'liars' who are being 'evil' because of their views on the climate change hoax. Do these latest ridiculous comments prove once and for all Chris Matthews is certifiably insane? Yup. Watch them HERE.

The Making of GBTV Premieres TONIGHT: GBTV is preparing to revolutionize the face of media as you know it. Don't miss your opportunity to be part of the action from the very beginning! TONIGHT at 7:00PM ET, log on to to enter the behind-the-scenes world of Mercury Radio Arts and witness how this vision of the future is quickly becoming a reality with the premiere of "The Making of GBTV". This week, Glenn makes the decision to leave his wildly popular TV show to follow his dream. Watch as the ripples of his decision spread throughout the entire Mercury staff. Get a preview of tonight's episode HERE
Congresswoman teams with Code Pink to bash Israel

Incredible video today on The Blaze from a rally featuring a United States Congresswoman and a couple of Code Pink idiots. After getting up and leading the crowd (and the Congresswoman) in a stupid chant on something about nickels and dimes and occupation, the Congresswoman gets up and applauds the protester responsible for interrupting Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. Watch the clip HERE.

Guess which media were invited on the next Gaza flotilla: The Blaze? Fox News? Wrong. Guess again - get the answer HERE.

Today's Markdown: How did one man's dream become a reality after he passed away? Find out HERE.

Glenn, caller spar over college: is it worth it? 

Glenn got into a heated debate with a caller about last night's TV program on college education. Is it worth it anymore? Obviously there are some fields where a college degree is absolutely necessary - but for everyone else, is it worth starting your career hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? Check out the call. Which side do you fall on? Get more on the debate HERE.
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Glenn interviews the man who 'started the recession'
Ok, so Jim DeMint didn't start the recession, no matter what Al Green says. DeMint is actually one of the most, if not the most, solid conservatives in Congress today and would make a great presidential option for the GOP. Glenn asked him today if he'd entertain the idea of running - and reports were swirling earlier that he wouldn't rule it out. How did DeMint respond? Get the answer HERE.
Creepy: Government going Google? The state of Wyoming - what are you thinking? They are getting in bed with Google and trusting them with all of their sensitive documents and everything else. The big question is - why? Get the full story HERE.
Want to help the troops? Today S.E. Cupp is at the fourth annual Troopathon raising money to send care packages to the troops with personalized notes…find out how you can help HERE
MSNBC tries to bash Perry, Texas - fail on both
Glenn plays the audio from MSNBC as they attacked Rick Perry's craaaaazy speech in which he talked about America being great and how individuals should be responsible for their own actions. What a nut! Anyway, MSNBC tried to mock Perry and said Texas is drowning in debt. Uh really? That's the argument they go for? The state debt argument? Glenn destroys that weak point on radio today. MORE
Where can you join Glenn to celebrate the Fourth of July? Get all the details HERE

TV Tonight: What does principles and values look like in action? Glenn talks to one politician who put his beliefs ahead of the polls. Don't miss it tonight at 5pm on Fox News! The final episodes on Fox News countdown - don't miss a second!

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