Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Glenn agrees with...Obama?

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June 14, 2011
On Today's Program

The best arguments against Obamacare were made 224 years ago...

Do you believe the Constitution is an outdated document and no longer applies to the modern world? Do you believe capitalism has failed? Unfortunately, many argue that it is and it has. Go back and read the original documents and it's clear that what the Founders laid out still applies today. Well, kind of clear.  The Federalist Papers were written the 1700s and very tough to get through. That's why Glenn published The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century. It's the follow up and is packaged the same way as Common Sense - easy to read and packed with the original, founding arguments that helped establish America. Get reconnected with them NOW.

Glenn, Stu & Pat show how the Original Argument applies today -- with a catchy jingle and some award winning acting too! WATCH   

CNN's ridiculous GOP Debate: Leno or Conan? Spicy or Mild? Pepsi or Coke?

Besides the lack of an obvious frontrunner, the main headline to come out of last night's GOP debate was the ridiculousness of how CNN presented it. These are supposed to be serious candidates and they're being asked if they like Pepsi or Coke; Leno or Conan and on and on. Plus, the moderator irked the audience with his bizarre method of getting the candidates to stop talking -- by 'grunting' frequently. A bizarre scene that demonstrated just one reason why CNN's ratings are in the crapper. Get Glenn's reaction HERE.

Shoe/Sock 2012? There may not be a clear cut candidate yet, but do not be discouraged says Glenn Beck - even THIS ticket could beat Obama – WATCH.
Can Michele Bachmann win? Glenn interviews her on radio…

Glenn thought she did a pretty good job in the debate last night, sans a few politician type moments, but one great moment was when she talked about the 'kinetic military action' in Libya. She said we don't even know who the rebels are and yet we are caught up in this battle – and a new poll shows only 26% of Americans support our action in Libya. WATCH as Glenn interviews Bachmann on radio today and get more on her political background from The Blaze.

What is GBTV? Get all the answers HERE. Plus tune in to GBTV this Thursday evening at 7 pm ET for a look behind the scenes in the premiere episode of Making of GBTV. Get a full list of all the GBTV features and subscription details HERE

Another video gem from Oliver Darcy: College students hypocrisy on affirmative action - WATCH

Shirtless Obama pics hit the web: After dozens and dozens of shirtless Congressman Weiner pics flooded the web, will President Obama suffer the same scrutiny after an embarrassing pic was leaked of a shirtless Obama at his desk in the Oval Office? Ok, so it's probably just a photoshop job - but hey, thanks to Weiner, you never know these days. PIC

Glenn agrees with...Obama? Obama admits he'd be fine with 1 term. He'll be glad to know he's SO not alone. Get all the details from radio HERE.

TV Tonight: Are we facing evil?  The final episodes continue tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!
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