Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obama's CNN buddy calls for scrapping of Constitution

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June 21, 2011
On Today's Program

Google this: Type 'how much does' in the Google search box. The auto-fill may shock you. Why does THAT come up? WATCH

Louis Farrakhan: Obama is a murderer, assassin

It wasn't all that long ago Farrakhan was anointing Barack Obama as the chosen one, literally referring to him as the Messiah. But how quickly the bloom has fallen off the rose.  Farrakhan is apparently good friends with Gaddafi and says that Obama has been corrupted and went on to say Obama is an assassin and a murderer for what is going on with Libya right now. Audio & reaction HERE.

How can you win the argument? The Original Argument is the founding argument, The Federalist Papers rewritten in modern language so everybody can understand it. If we want to repair this country we need to know what the principles were in the first place. What's the right argument to make when your liberal friend argues that the federal government gets to make all the rules and the state has to listen to them and follow? Pat, Stu and Glenn break it down on radio today – WATCH. Want a great deal? Visit Markdown.com now and get a copy of The Original Argument and a one-year subscription to Townhall Magazine for just $24.95!

PHOTOS: What was Glenn looking at before radio this morning? See HERE.

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Treason? Cynthia McKinney is testing the limits

The former Congresswoman went on Libyan TV recently and glowingly talked about how wonderful Libya is - so much so that it's even better than America. She says people in the United States are losing their homes, but in the wonderful utopia of Libya, the government is building homes! They are a country 'on the rise' according to McKinney. It only gets worse from there - Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today. Is it treason? WATCH.
Fresh. Intelligent. Conservative. Townhall Magazine is your source for conservative news, opinion, humor, and commentary on the issues of today! Markdown brings you a one year subscription PLUS a copy of Glenn's new book, The Original Argument, for the great value of $24.95. Bring the conservative message into the modern era with this great bundle
CNN's Fareed Zakaria bashes the Constitution again

The President's pal/advisor and friend of George Soros unleashed an unbelievable rant in which he argues that the Constitution needs to be tossed out in order to start over, and we should emulate what they are doing in Iceland. They are rewriting their new one with the help of people on Twitter and Facebook. Doesn't exactly sound like a solid way to build the foundation of a country. Is this what was meant with 'change'? Glenn's answer HERE.

Conservative porn: Chris Christie edition

There's nothing better than hearing Chris Christie engaging in townhalls and other interactions with the public and public officials. Christie is able to articulate his view in a quick, strong, articulate and meaningful way that it amounts to what Glenn refers to as conservative porn. The latest classic comes from an interview when they played a recorded question - Christie passes with flying colors. WATCH

TV Tonight: Yet another investigation into the oil companies -- HINT: They ARE NOT the problem! Glenn shows who is tonight at 5pm on Fox News! The final episodes on Fox News countdown - don't miss a second!
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