| December 19, 2011 | | Top Glenn Moments of 2011 Glenn Beck moves about a thousand miles an hour and sports an 'idea per minute' ratio that few could rival. By the time the end of the year rolls around it's easy to lose track of all the ground that he covered during that year. That's what the next two weeks of the Glenn Beck email newsletter will do: count down the top Glenn moments of 2011. It was another fantastic year filled with huge changes, successes, ideas, inspiration and more. Follow each day until we reach the top Glenn Beck moment of 2011! #10 A Day in Glenn Beck's NYC life When you are Glenn Beck, living in New York City can be quite an interesting experience. Ever recognizable yet mostly at odds politically with the typical New Yorker, Glenn has had plenty of unfortunate encounters during his last 5 plus years in the Big Apple. This year elevator rides seemed to be the place for the most awkward of encounters. Beginning earlier this year when Glenn shared what seemed like an eternity ride with GM's Jeffrey Immelt. Glenn has been quite open on air about his disdain for the fact that Immelt and GE were skipping out on taxes while at the same time cozying up to the administration. So what happened when Glenn and Immelt hopped in the same elevator? Glenn explained in our first top memorable Glenn moment of 2011.  Of course more recently there was another elevator incident. This time it was just the typical New Yorker who felt obligated to do something craaaaazy to tell all their friends about. The gentleman had what appeared to be a painting, covered up. Thinking he was just hi-larious, he proceeded to tell Glenn that it was a picture of Obama. Oh man, you really got em there! Glenn explained that incident and one earlier that week where Glenn had a little fun with some New York liberals who were listening a little too closely to Glenn's lunch conversation out at a restaurant. DETAILS Finally, who could forget the epic saga that unfolded after Glenn merely tried to watch a movie in the park over the summer. A popular event at Bryant Park in NYC is outdoor movies - so Glenn took his daughter to see one. People spread out all over the lawn on blankets, but it didn't take long for people to figure out Glenn Beck was in attendance. A woman 'spilled' wine all over Glenn and his family, then everyone in the audience threatened and mocked Glenn IN FRONT of his kids. The shame continued when the losers who did it later lied about it, although their Twitter feed betrayed them and revealed the truth. | | Building On The American Heritage Series: Historian David Barton is back with the second installment of the popular American Heritage Series. Barton traces America's history back to the source and navigates our nation's unique religious, moral, and constitutional heritage. This 6 DVD set encourages viewers to learn the truth of America's past in order to shape its future. Sponsor Message | | | LAST FULL DAY! Today is the last full day to order using Standard Shipping on Amazon and get it in time for Christmas! Engage with our history like never before with Glenn's Being George Washington. This is the gift even United States Senators (1) are hoping to get their hands on this holiday season. Gain a new appreciation for America's indispensable man and see how being like him today is more possible that you might believe. Want to warm the hearts of those you love with a book that will inspire them to do great things? The Snow Angel is a novel about family, faith and forgiveness that was inspired by events in Glenn's own life. Order today! Markdown is offering a NRA membership at 58% off the regular price! NRA is the one firewall that stands between our liberties and those who would take our freedoms away. Go to Markdown.com and give a gift NRA membership to a family member, friend or even yourself for the exclusive price of $25. Your gift recipient will receive a $25 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card, a subscription to the digital edition of NRA's American Rifleman, an official card and decal, valuable insurance, free admission to NRA's Annual Show, and MORE! | | | | | |
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