| December 20, 2011 | | Top Glenn Moments of 2011 Glenn Beck moves about a thousand miles an hour and sports an 'idea per minute' ratio that few could rival. By the time the end of the year rolls around it's easy to lose track of all the ground that he covered during that year. That's what the next two weeks of the Glenn Beck email newsletter will do: count down the top Glenn moments of 2011. It was another fantastic year filled with huge changes, successes, ideas, inspiration and more. Follow each day until we reach the top Glenn Beck moment of 2011! Get yesterday's #10 moment HERE. #9 Osama Bin Laden is dead: break out the band! While many went out of their way to make sure Osama Bin Laden received a 'proper' Muslim burial - Glenn Beck was not about to provide such courtesies. First of all, the guy was an embarrassment to the Muslim community. He was a crazy man who killed innocent people, period. Why in the world would that merit a 'proper Muslim burial'? It shouldn't, and instead Glenn gave news of Osama Bin Laden's death the treatment it deserved: A giant marching band celebration! It was possible the best show open Glenn ever did on Fox - relive it HERE.  Addiction to Spider-Man Another great moment in 2011 for Glenn personally was having his addiction to the Broadway production of Spider-Man result in a chance meeting with legendary U2 frontman Bono. To the disgust of many huge U2 fans on Glenn's staff, he admitted to not really liking U2's music, which sent Stu into a tailspin. Another celebrity meeting that Glenn Beck doesn't deserve, he argued. But the meeting probably was deserved considering Spider-Man had no bigger supporter than Glenn. After initially being panned by critics, Glenn's predictions may come true that Spider-Man could be one of the longest running plays in history. Glenn Beck's going to Texas: It might be a while before Glenn gets to see Spider-Man as he is currently setting up in his new studio home in Dallas! Brian Sack decided to bid farewell to the boss with a musical number of his own. Watch it HERE! Don't miss any of the top Glenn moments of 2012! Give the gift of truth with GBTV - a front row seat to the future of news, information, and entertainment! With GBTV it's Glenn Beck every weeknight as well as new shows like Independence USA and The B.S. of A. - not to mention exclusive coverage of Restoring Love, Glenn's huge event in Dallas, TX this July! Give the gift today! Click HERE to print out the GBTV gift card. | | Disaster Destroys Your Home and Town, Where and What Will You Eat? When disaster strikes you must walk farther, faster and longer; trust in the Long Range Patrol Ration Entrée. Feed a family of four for two weeks, on the go, available ONLY from the Freeze Dry Guy. Sponsor Message | | | Looking for a Christmas Gift? There's still time to pick up Being George Washington from either online or at your local bookstore! Don't let the story of one of the most important figures in American history be forgotten by the next generation - this book teaches the values that shaped our nation with tales of revolution, politics, and adventure! Get it NOW. Markdown is offering a NRA membership at 58% off the regular price! NRA is the one firewall that stands between our liberties and those who would take our freedoms away. Go to Markdown.com and give a gift NRA membership to a family member, friend or even yourself for the exclusive price of $25. Your gift recipient will receive a $25 Bass Pro Shops Gift Card, a subscription to the digital edition of NRA's American Rifleman, an official card and decal, valuable insurance, free admission to NRA's Annual Show, and MORE! | | | | | |
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