Friday, December 16, 2011

Lib talk host to Tebow: Shut the 'f' up about Jesus!

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December 16, 2011
On Today's Program

Top Glenn of 2011: Starting next week all the way to the New Year follow this email newsletter for the top Glenn moments of 2011. There were a ton of moments to choose from - which stood out from all the rest? Find out by staying tuned from now till New Year!
Not the ordinary family: Premiering this January 18th on, follow one American dad determined to have his family prepared for anything -- even if they don't really want to be. Can they get off the grid? Meet the family and watch the preview trailer of the all new Independence USA!
Tonight on GBTV: Don't miss the latest episode of The B.S. of A. as Brian Sack says goodbye to Glenn Beck as he moves his show to Texas. How does Brian feel about being left behind in NYC? Find out tonight at 7pm ET on GBTV! Check out this highlight from last week when Brian hosted a new gameshow "Newt or Newt" HERE.
Liberal talk host to Tebow: Shut the f*** up about Jesus... Stay classy, libs - full story at The Blaze!  
GOP debate recap (yeah, there was another one)
How did Newt handle the onslaught of attacks? How did Mitt Romney fare? Did Rick Perry make any gaffes? Did Ron Paul actually stand by his hilarious foreign policy views? Actually it was a pretty lively debate with most of the candidates getting a moment or two to shine. Check out the recap from The Blaze!

Being George Washington: It's the book most coveted by prominent United States Senators (fine, one - Senator Lieberman) but it should be sought after by many more. George Washington set the standard we all should seek to emulate. Get to know the indispensable man like never before with Being George Washington by Glenn Beck. How much did he sacrifice for America? Check out Stu's epic re-enactment of the Delaware River Crossing. Would he make it across even with all the modern conveniences of today? WATCH
Glenn says Goodbye to New York on GBTV
Glenn says New York City is simultaneously the best and worst city in the world. Rats, garbage, Occupy protesters defecating all over the place, unions, absurd taxes, annoying liberals are all tough to take - but there's so much to love. Glenn bids farewell and explains what he loves & hates and why he's heading out. WATCH
WOW: See the breathtaking views from the rapidly rising World Trade Center in NYC HERE.
Glenn's Favorite Things: Not quite like Oprah's favorite things, Glenn isn't quite at the 'cars for everybody!' stage yet, but when he is it will be gas guzzling SUV's for all! Check out what Glenn's fav things are this year as told on GBTV last night. WATCH
Who can beat Obama in 2012?  Gingrich?  Romney?  Someone else?  Vote now! is conducting an urgent on-line poll.  Click Here to Vote.

Sponsor Message
Prominent atheist Christopher Hitchens dead at 62
The Vanity Fair contributor, author of God is not Great and overall contrarian, Christopher Hitchens was revered in the atheist community for his brilliant writing and commentaries. He died after complications suffered from a long bout with cancer, was both humbled by believers who prayed for him yet still not convinced due to believers who mocked his illness. The Blaze has more on the life and death of Hitchens HERE.
WATCH: 1791 merchandise staffer LJ attempts to be the next big 'pitchman' on the TV circuit. Think he has what it takes? WATCH. You can check out the 1791 merchandise HERE -  Net Proceeds of 1791 benefit Mercury One
Prepare for Disaster Tomorrow. . .Today has a great deal on preparedness right now with . . including over 200 emergency products to choose from!  A few of the options at MyPatriotSupply include the #1 bestselling Survival Seed Vault, a grain mill, Berkey water filtration products, emergency fuel tablets, canning supplies, and much, much more. Visit for details. 
Building On The American Heritage Series:  Historian David Barton is back with his second installment of the popular American Heritage Series.  Order the 6 DVD Set Now!
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