Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What did Levi's Jeans do to hack off Glenn?

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September 20, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: The Iranian President invades NYC and is welcomed by Columbia and the U.N.! This visit comes as Palestinian President Abbas is aggressively pushing for a U.N. vote on Palestinian statehood which has the world once again collectively pointing their fingers in blame at Israel. Glenn breaks down the visit only on GBTV tonight.

Miss last night's show? Catch up with Monday's Final Four segment and watch Glenn go to work uncovering all the new conspiracy theorists popping up in the media HERE. GBTV members can watch the full episode available on demand. Start you 14 day GBTV Plus free tiral now and get total access.
Levi's guarantees denouncement from Glenn Beck
If Levi's ever wanted Glenn Beck to speak about their product in a positive light, they kind of blew it this week when they revealed their latest marketing push. They aired a spot during football last night that glorified uprisings and revolutions while unveiling a new slogan that explains their aspiration to be the uniform of progress. The images in the video consist of sex, cars on fire, and some pathetic drivel about how the gods want you to throw Molotov cocktails at police cars or something. Check out the spot and get Glenn's reaction at GlennBeck.com.
Which foreign leader did Obama call first?
We know that President Obama's foreign policy got off to somewhat of a rocky start when he dissed England by returning their gift (bust of Churchill) and then sending the Queen DVDs she couldn't even play. But do you know which foreign leader President Obama called first? Who was so high up on the priority list that they deserved the first phone call out from the President of the United States? You will be shocked -- or not.  Kinda depends on how long you've been following the President closely. DETAILS
The most important thing you can do with your family...
Is spend time with them. Study after study after study clearly demonstrate the incredibly positive outcome children have in life when they do simple things with their family such as eat dinner together or spend extra time as a family unit. The latest deal from Markdown.com is a great way to get the family together: Zobmondo! family games. Great fun for the whole family - it will get them talking and laughing too! Check out this amazing discount on a 3 game bundle at Markdown.com!  
CUFI action alert: how you can support Israel
Once again all the fingers are beginning to point directly at Israel - the world is setting them up to be the global scapegoat once again. One easy thing you can do is let your voice be heard - find out how you can write a letter of support to Prime Minister Netanyahu - check it out HERE.
4 Natural Ways to Raise your good Cholesterol

When dealing with the cholesterol dilemma, many people focus on ways to lower their bad cholesterol.  But that's only half the battle.  Here are four ways to raise your good cholesterol.  Read more…
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LOL: "It's not class warfare" 
President Barack Obama was on the defensive about his latest attempt to soak the rich and tried to explain that it was simply 'math' not class warfare that he was engaging in. Well gee, Barack, if it's just about math then why don't we take 100% from the wealthy! That'll solve it! Oh wait, it won't - since 100% of the money from the wealthy still would not cover America's debts. Glenn reacts to Obama's class war on radio today.
Did you know that Glenn's news brand, The Blaze, has an all-new print magazine? 
That's right. The Blaze magazine is the brand new publication from the team at TheBlaze.com (it recently replaced Glenn's Fusion magazine). It's where you'll get reporting, insight and analysis you won't find in the mainstream media. We seek and report the Truth. And that makes us unique and powerful. Click HERE to subscribe.
GBTV Homework: Read George Washington's Farewell Address. What did he warn would be the biggest problems America would face in generations to come and how can we defeat it? Read it HERE.
Does Pat Robertson have Alzheimer's?
Pat Robertson had one of the easiest softball questions lobbed his way during a taping of his program when he gave a shocking answer. The caller wanted to know what he should tell his friend whose spouse is suffering from Alzheimer's -- his answer? Divorce her! Glenn has the shocking audio and responds on radio today. Get the segment HERE.
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