| September 16, 2011 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV! Constitution Day is this weekend - since the White House probably won't pay much attention to it we will tonight on GBTV! Don't miss tonight's show live at 5pm ET and available on demand after it airs. Sign up for your GBTV PLUS 14 day free trial now! SHOCK VIDEO: 'Capitalist bloodsucker economy' The Black Panthers are back and once again they managed to say something even crazier and more shocking than the last crazy thing they said. This time they lash out at Capitalism but more surprisingly President Obama, saying he has 'bombed' his own homeland while cutting a deal with Satan. Audio and Glenn's reaction HERE. More leaders waking up: from economists to scientists Glenn is encouraged by the list of leaders who are seeing where things are headed and they are standing up. Glenn talks about the prominent economists in Europe who are resigning in protest because of how reckless politicians are being and about the award winning scientist who calls B.S. on global warming. More details at GlennBeck.com! Media tries to smear Glenn, gets story mostly correct Glenn was particularly amused by one attempt to smear him from the MSM over comments he made on Obama's jobs bill. The writer tries to write an article that is damaging, instead he hits the nail right on the head. Well, almost on the head - he did manage to get a token lie in there. Glenn has the story and reaction on radio today. WATCH | |  | | Channeling Chris Farley: the greatest car crash description ever? WATCH Guy gets in car wreck. He's shaken up but generally he's fine. He's hanging around the crash scene when a news team shows up - reporter asks him to describe what happens. The result is TV gold - check out the most epic description of a car crash you've ever seen. Watch the full video and catch Glenn's reaction HERE. GBTV is calling all teachers A fantastic Glenn Beck Program on GBTV last night featuring a remarkable audience of students who led a provocative discussion on the news, the Obamas, and the future. Glenn peppered them with questions and really challenged them on some issues - how did they hold up? Check out a free clip from last night's show. Start your free trial and get the entire show on demand. Glenn also alerted the audience that GBTV is looking for teachers, leaders and others who YOU want to hear from. GBTV will do everything it can to make that happen. Details HERE. Ever wondered what it is like to work for Glenn? Business Insider goes inside the offices of 'The Blaze' - FULL STORY. | | Who will be the 1,000,000th? Join FreedomWorks, the largest Tea Party community on Facebook "like" our page today and help us pass ONE MILLION FANS! Get instant Tea Party news, alerts, and opportunities right to your news feed. | | | Egyptian official: Israeli peace agreement can be changed anytime Not the comments Israel wanted to see as the vote on Palestinian statehood (and anti-Israel protests) are ramping up. An Egyptian official made comments about the decades long peace treaty between Egypt and Israel -- a treaty which ended up costing the President of Egypt his head. Are we heading back to those days or are we moving forward? Glenn explains the latest in the Middle East on radio TODAY. Preparing for winter car repairs just got a little easier! You have enough to worry about without adding your car to the list. Let CARCHEX handle that for you. Markdown has a great offer today from CARCHEX that will help you focus on the things that matter most. For just $50, you get a $200 voucher that can be applied toward an Extended Vehicle Protection plan that fits your needs. For more details, go to Markdown.com. Next W.H. scandal? AF General pressured by WH to say things he didn't believe It hasn't been a good week for the White House. The 5th company (Solyndra) to be aided by the stimulus package and touted by the President has gone bankrupt. Worse, it appears the White House, according to emails, may have pressured government officials to fast track the $535 million loan, rush the approval process, causing mistakes to be made and taxpayers on the hook for half a billion dollars. Next up - the White House allegedly pressured an Air Force General to lie about another green endeavor. DETAILS | | | | |
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