| May 04, 2011 | | On Today's Program Does Obama deserve all the credit? Now that the deed is done, jockeying for political credit is already raging. David Shuster took to liberal radio and gleefully explained how the President 'deserves all the credit' for taking Osama out, and needs to maximize political points. That's why he is very excited about Obama's decision to go visit Ground Zero - a move Glenn didn't think too fondly of. Does Obama deserve all the credit? Glenn answers on radio today. George W. Bush declines Obama's ground zero invite STORY. REPORT: President tells CBS he will not release Bin Laden photos DETAILS. Al Jazeera: Bin Laden death a 'murder' Hillary Clinton, MSNBC hosts and many other liberal elite have been heaping praise on Al Jazeera in recent weeks. Al Jazeera's response to the news of Bin Laden's death, "Fomenting nationalism with murder," almost makes it seem like they don't like America (shocker!). Clinton has openly pined for our media to resemble Al Jazeera - is this the kind of anti-American drivel we can look forward to in the years to come from our press? Probably. Glenn reads some of the news on Bin Laden from Hillary Clinton's favorite news source on radio today. Did waterboarding help catch OBL? As Mediaite points out in this post, it should have been obvious that because info from 'detainees' led to the demise of OBL the question of waterboarding would inevitably come up. But the Obama administration is having an incredibly difficult time answering this question. Why? Probably because they are desperately trying to avoid the obvious 'yes' and give Bush policies credit and vindication. Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough tried his level best to dance around giving Bush credit -- but like many before him (Panetta, Brennan, Carney) he FAILED. Did waterboarding help? You betcha. Furthermore, you'll never guess which country harbored a terrorist that provided key intel in the OBL takedown. Find out HERE. | |  | | Best video ever? Meet the Illinois Carp Hunters. You won't regret it. WATCH NFL player in tweet trouble Pittsburgh Steeler RB Rashard Mendenhall made the mistake of opening a Twitter account - and now he is paying the price. The death of Bin Laden and subsequent celebrations caused the star RB to start tweeting about how troubled he was over the celebrations. Many have questioned dancing in the streets over death, but Rashard really stepped in it when he defended Osama Bin Laden: "It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side
" Ouch. Believe it or not - Rashard's bad Tweet trip got even worse. Find out what else he posted HERE. Clueless Teens hit Google, ask: Who is Osama Bin Laden? STORY Was it capture or kill? There are conflicting reports coming out about the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound Sunday, May 1st. A press conference yesterday provided more stunning details (such as Osama was surrounded by children aged 2-12) and that he was not holding a firearm at the time he was shot. People are now trying to spin this and label our Special Ops assault team as cold blooded killers. Pakistani media is reporting Osama's own daughter claims Osama was 'captured alive and shot dead by the U.S. Special Forces' during the first minutes of the operation. What really went down? Get all the latest details HERE. Weigh-In: It's that time again, Stu's weekly weigh-in for the Fatty Five Challenge. Get the update HERE. New Question with Boldness T-Shirt now available - check it out HERE. TV Tonight: Do conservatives really want to be self-reliant? Glenn tests the limits on Tea Party claims... Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News! | | | | |
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