| May 11, 2011 | | On Today's Program Glenn: Jerusalem 'beginning of the end' for man's freedom There is so much going on in the world right now - oil crisis, high unemployment, out of control government. So why is Glenn spending time focusing on Israel? Because, he explains, Jerusalem is the 'beginning of the end' for man's freedom around the globe. The world is uniting to force Israel into a 'two-state solution' which Glenn believes would spell the end of Israel -- but Israel is only one of the two that Satan's radicals want to destroy. Who is the other? Glenn explains that and more on radio today. Why is it ok to assassinate, but not waterboard? Chris Wallace has a fantastic exchange with an Obama administration official who gets tripped up in the folly of their policies. Wallace pins him down when asking why it's okay to shoot bin Laden, but not okay to waterboard? The official tries to stick to his stock answers, but it's clearly not enough for Wallace as he continues to hammer him on this point. Glenn plays the clip and reacts on radio today. WATCH What's Glenn doing next? Be sure to visit Glenn's Facebook page and click the "Like" button to get exclusive updates delivered directly to your news feed. Be the first to know like Glenn's page now. | |  | | Obama: what's all the fuss about the border? President Obama gave a speech on immigration yesterday and mocked Republicans saying they won't be happy until there is a moat with alligators. What will those crazy Republicans want to do next -- enforce immigration laws? That's crazy talk! Glenn goes through the 'super super classics' from the speech yesterday on immigration. Check out the audio and reaction HERE. Osama's son might sue USA One of Osama bin Laden's sons has quite the nerve, complaining publicly that the way the U.S. disposed of the terrorist dirtbag 'demeans' the bin Laden family. He even suggested that the family might sue the United States. If that's the case he better hope the jury is Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, & Rosie O'Donnell -- that's not officially 12 but probably close enough. Read more on what Obama's son said HERE. | | Once Illegal, Now FDA Approved... New back pain treatment reduces pain and inflammation by 200% in just 90 minutes! Imagine...your pain completely disappears in less than two hours! Discover the treatment that you'll never hear about from your doctor. Hurry...learn more about this breakthrough treatment now. Click HERE Sponsor Message | | | Meghan McCain gets naked, Glenn vomits WATCH
only if you dare. Change: anti-cop rapper welcomed at White House The White House caused quite a bit of controversy when they invited a rapper to attend a poetry event whose rhymes sometimes talk about killing cops. This continues the attitude of this administration - saying the cops acted stupidly, surrounding himself with radicals who call cops 'pigs', union thugs who support cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. The NJ State police are not happy about the invite - why? Glenn has the lyrics and history of the controversial rapper who is loved by the White House - check it out at GlennBeck.com. Forbes predicts return to Gold Standard: Steve Forbes now says the U.S. returning to the Gold Standard 'seems likely' within the next 5 years. Why? Get the details from his interview with Human Events. TV Tonight: Glenn returns to TV to explain in detail why it's time to stand with Israel - and why a country halfway around the world matters to you TODAY. Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5 pm only on the Fox News Channel! | | | | |
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