| May 18, 2011 | | On Today's Program Gregory, Matthews reveal their racism In an interview on Meet the Press, David Gregory confronted Newt Gingrich saying, "you gave a speech in Georgia with language a lot of people think could be coded racially-tinged language," -- the 'racially-tinged' comments he is referring to were Newt's comments about Obama being a food stamp president. A fair political attack given America has more people on food stamps than ever -- and NO mention of race. Apparently, however, David Gregory believes only black people are on food stamps because he views the issue as a slam on African Americans. Matthews echoed the argument made by Gregory. So, who's really the racist? Get the answer HERE. Lottery winner remains on food stamps Why? Leroy Fik says he is completely justified to remain on food stamps because of all the money the IRS took from the winnings. Apparently paying your fair share doesn't count when winning the lottery? Fik won $2 million dollars and claims he paid more than half of his winnings in taxes. Fik is defending his choice to remain on food stamps - a wildly offensive stance to take - but even worse is the fact that government allows him to keep using them. How does that happen? Find out HERE. Important Israel Update: Glenn has NOT endorsed any travel packages for the Restoring Courage event. Glenn is not selling any tour packages at this time as the venue and the date of the event have not been released. If you have any questions about the Restoring Courage event please contact Israel@glennbeck.com. Stay Updated: More info on this event coming soon - visit Glenn's Facebook page and click the "Like" button to get exclusive updates delivered directly to your news feed. | |  | | Glenn accuses Stu of being a coward Glenn lashed out at Stu today for not speaking out after something unusual happened to him on the morning commute. Stu explained how a couple, seemingly conducting some sort of affair, was seated close to him on a crowded train. That didn't stop them from engaging in overt physical displays of affection. Stu described the couple as 'slurping' at one point. What Stu did next led Glenn to admonish him for 'lacking courage' and being a coward. Watch the argument HERE. Do your homework - this is where you begin: The first class of the third semester of Beck University is now available on demand. It's an extension of our Rumors of War series and the first class focuses on understanding the history of Israel. Get educated. Get the facts. Enroll in Beck University now available only on Insider Extreme. Theft? Gas station owner loses $21k after pump glitch A gas station owner in California lost $21,000 when a computer glitch set the price of gas to $1.10 instead of $4.29 a gallon. Instead of notifying the owner of the glitch or even thanking him -- customers spread the word and for 4 hours pumped over 7,000 gallons of gas before the mistake was caught. Should the customers have said something? Should they be forced to pay the owner back? Or is it the fault of the gas station? Glenn, Stu and Pat debate it on radio today. WATCH. 'How I changed the way I look at food' Author Jeff Benedict may not have gone on the same hippie stick diet as Glenn, but he and his family have completely changed the way they eat over the past few years. How did the personal decision to go local and organic inspire his latest book on the American food industry? Find out HERE. To learn more about this topic check out Jeff's new book - Poisoned: The True Story of the Deadly E. Coli Outbreak That Changed the Way Americans Eat. Really Arnold? Pics of mistress revealed...yikes. TV Tonight: Obama's big speech on the Middle East - what does he really have planned? Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel! | | | | |
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