When you take care of yourself, you take care of your family.
When you take care of your family, you take care of your country.
THE 7 is for anyone dealing with something in their life that is holding them back from being the person God meant them to be. Whether it’s an inability to lose weight, stop smoking, or leave a broken relationship, many of us are stuck in a seemingly endless loop.
THE 7 can help you finally break free.
By melding Glenn’s personal stories and experiences with Dr. Keith Ablow’s expert advice you’ll not only get the tools you need to transform your life, you’ll also learn how to use them. As Glenn found out, the journey to fulfilling your destiny won’t be easy, but you will never regret that you took it.
WATCH LIVE TODAY! At 2p ET today we will premiere a new series called “The 7…Live.” In it, Dr. Ablow will use real Glenn Beck fans to show viewers how to apply the book’s principles in their own struggles. It’ll be raw, unscripted, and completely free, so we hope you’ll join us at for a reality show like you’ve never seen before.