January 6, 2011  | On Today's Program Major announcement: Media heavyweights join management team at The Blaze. Find out who they are HERE. Plus why did Glenn offer Bill Gates a job on radio today? Get the full story and watch a free video clip at glennbeck.com. Howard Dean: Who cares if Obamacare is unconstitutional? Also predicts Obamacare will cause employers to dump their employees into 'the exchange' - aka government Healthcare. WATCH Union leader makes stunning admission AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka made quite a bold admission recently when he revealed raising wages for workers wasn't really his top priority. Instead, his top priority is to use union money to fundamentally transform America into his progressive vision. Read more about the story AND watch Glenn's reaction to Trumka from radio today HERE. More from The Blaze. Piven calls for riots Last night on TV Glenn highlighted the words and beliefs of Frances Fox Piven, the long time leftist radical who in 1966 penned a very influential blueprint for activists that was published in The Nation. Over 40 years later Piven has once again been published in The Nation, and once again she's openly encouraging people to be 'angry' and riot. Read more AND watch a free clip of Glenn reacting on GlennBeck.com.
 Caller: I'm sick and tired of it Glenn received a call today from a caller who expressed what so many people are feeling - they are tired of living their lives the same old way. Jason called in and said he had been going in and out of rehab, fired from his job - at his lowest point. He picked up a copy of Glenn’s newest book The 7: Seven Wonders that Will Change Your Life and called Glenn to tell him what the first few pages did to him. Read more AND watch a free clip at GlennBeck.com! Insider Extreme - Memories from Wilmington: Could Wilmington, Ohio be a real-life Bedford Falls? This small town has been called the “ground zero of the recession” yet the people of Wilmington have stayed strong. By turning to each other, and to God, they are the inspiration for the rest of the country. Watch this inspiring video to get a taste of the spirit of Wilmington. Not an Insider Extreme member? Sign up now. TV Tonight: How do ice cream sundaes and dead birds tie together? Find out tonight, plus how the left is dumbing down our children. Don't miss a second tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |