January 27, 2011  | On Today's Program Glenn defends 'mean' basketball team who won 108-3 A women's high school basketball team is under attack after winning 108-3, but did they really do anything wrong? Glenn says the rush to say it was 'mean' and 'unfair' for this to happen was premature because there's another side to the story. What could possibly be good about losing 108-3? Glenn explains it on radio today - read about it and watch a FREE CLIP here. Why is Glenn sporting Michael Jackson gloves? Insider Extreme members may have noticed Glenn sporting an odd fashion choice - gloves with holes in the fingers. While Glenn does have a history of poor fashion choices, there may be more to this one (maybe). Watch the clip HERE. Threat of violence on another politician: 'doubtful he'd survive a 50 cal' Maine GOP Chair Charlie Webster received a disturbing voicemail from a man saying he should change his tune because 'a lot of people are really mad.' The caller has yet to be identified, except this rocket scientist left his threat on a voicemail, allowing police to analyze it thoroughly. Listen to the creepy voicemail and get more details from The Blaze. Get Glenn's reaction from radio HERE.  Rumors of War: NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND The exclusive, original documentary from Mercury Radio Arts "Rumors of War" focuses on the threat Iran poses to America and the rest of the world. Glenn's team has been working on this documentary for nearly a year and it is unbelievable. It is a documentary you cannot afford to miss and the last 10 minutes are exceptionally bone chilling. It is now available on demand for Insider Extreme members. Do not miss it - sign up now. Milky Way Cake: To cheer you up after watching the threat from Iran in “Rumors of War”, Stu presents the recipe everyone is waiting for... Milky Way Cake. Jesse Jackson admits: Michelle Obama's health kick is a 'take over' - Glenn's reacts on radio today. Making the climb from rock bottom  Dave called at the beginning of the year - depressed, hopeless, even contemplating taking his own life. He happened to hear Glenn talking about The 7 and decided to give it a whirl. Dave will be one of the guests on tomorrow's episode of "The 7...Live." Dr. Ablow will start Dave on a journey using the 7 wonders from the new book: The 7: Seven Wonders that Will Change your Life. The show is raw, unscripted and totally FREE. Tune in tomorrow at 2 pm EST to hear Dave's story and be a part of his journey to become the person he was meant to be. Palin: Yeah, Obama's SOTU was full of 'WTF' moments Sarah Palin appeared on Fox News this week and didn't mince words - or acronyms - about Obama's SOTU: "His theme last night was WTF, Winning the Future. I thought, okay, that acronym - spot on. There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech." Zinger! Ironically, the lefty blogs and press are panning the comment, even though they themselves took immeasurable pride in working in 'teabagger' jokes whenever possible. Watch Palin rip the President HERE. |