|  | May 25, 2012 | | On Today's Program Make sure everyone knows this Soros funded domestic terrorist: Brett Kimberlin You probably don't know his name. Kimberlin is a convicted domestic terrorist who went to prison after setting off a series of bombs and served 17 years of a 50 year sentence. Where's he today? Working for Soros and terrorizing conservative bloggers. Glenn talks to two bloggers targeted by Kimberlin, their stories are chilling. Hear their stories and get the full background on this progressive dirt bag HERE. Tonight on GBTV (Watch live and on demand) - 5pm - The Glenn Beck Program: Small businesses are the key to any economic recovery. How has government treated small business in this recession? Glenn interviews several small business owners and finds out first hand tonight!
- 6pm - Real News: Governor Scott Walker is enjoying a comfortable lead less than two weeks away from the Wisconsin recall election. Could the June 5th election provide a political forecast for November? Will a traditionally blue state finally see red? Real News will discuss that and much more tonight!
- FREE Highlight from GBTV - From The 4th Hour: Gary the Numbers Guy called into the 4th Hour yesterday to discuss what happened to the Facebook IPO, but somehow the conversation got off topic. Find out what Gary said that made Stu very uncomfortable.
Black Panthers & David Barton named as "right-wing radical" hate group? You won't believe the list of 'dangerous right wing radicals' created by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group who supposedly monitors hate groups in America. Somehow Malik Zulu Shabazz (a radical leftist) and David Barton (salt of the Earth kinda guy) both made the list. Glenn reacts to the shocking list on radio today. Beck: 'We're going to start building towns" Remember when the left thought they'd seen the last of Glenn Beck? Since that time Glenn has launched an entire network and landed on the Forbes most powerful celebrities list just behind Jennifer Aniston. Also since then, Oprah's new network is a failure and Keith Olbermann was fired... again. Glenn explains his concept, which could also be described as a liberals worst nightmare. WATCH How can we accelerate growth in our country? This week was 'National Small Business Week,' and as experts debate over the best way to help small businesses Glenn's company decided to take action. Monday, Glenn launched The Marketplace by Markdown.com, an online marketplace for small businesses. Glenn didn't just assemble companies that make quality products - he found quality people. Make sure to 'LIKE' and 'SHARE' their Facebook page to learn more about the owners behind these companies and their amazing stories. | | a) Bread b) Milk c) Bacon Featured Sponsor | | | The Obama lies continue: I'm not running up debts Obama is in full campaign mode - he actually has the stones to tell America that he's the fiscally responsible one and Republicans are the out of control spenders. It takes some serious spin to look at the numbers and come out with that assessment. Hear Obama claim the mantle of fiscal sanity & Glenn's response HERE. Dinner & Studio tour with Glenn? Tim Tebow weekend vacation? Don't miss your chance to start bidding on some of the most exclusive items and experiences you'll ever find! Glenn's charity, Mercury One, is holding an online charity auction to fuel our mission leading up to the Restoring Love. Auction items include art, sporting experiences, celebrity visits, tours and more! Place your bid now. LAST CHANCE for Premium Seating! If you haven't bought your tickets to the Restoring Love Event, NOW IS THE TIME to get PREMIUM SEATING with our 3-day package - get all the details! | | | | | |
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