Friday, May 18, 2012

Glenn's take on the latest birther claims

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May 18, 2012
On Today's Program

Glenn's take on the latest birther claims
Yesterday news broke that in 1991 Barack Obama's then literary agency wrote in his bio that he was born in Kenya, setting up what is surely to be another annoying pointless round of arguing the inarguable. Barack Obama is a United States citizen, period. What does this story mean and who does it help most? Glenn reacts on radio today.

Tonight on GBTV: (Watch live or on demand)
  • 5pm - Glenn Beck Program: With skyrocketing youth unemployment and out of control college loans, what does the future look like for our children? Tonight, Glenn takes a look at what today's generation is facing.
  • 6pm - Real News: Tonight, on a new installment of Real History, Real News delves into media sensationalism. It can be spotted throughout history, but how far back does it go? Has the media ever been the "watch dog" we idealize?
  • FREE highlight from last night's show: Glenn's interview with author Timothy Ballard.
Marxist protesters call for violence in Chicago
Glenn has the audio today from the NATO Summit where protesters have already clashed with police and local Chicago residents who are angry at their presence. Some of the chants are particularly disturbing and include calls for violence. Hear the protesters and see their run in with angry residents HERE.

Glenn invites O'Reilly to participate in national bake sale
Glenn talked to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News last night about the idea behind the June 13th National Bake Sale where lemonade stands and bake sales will be encouraged, not raided for permits. It's a massive statement against over regulation- how did O'Reilly like the idea?

Survive and thrive: you won't believe what's in this apocalypse survival bag - DETAILS.

Media's sad, sad coverage of Obama bribery evidence
Glenn interviewed Edward Klein today about his recent interview with Jeremiah Wright and shared some pretty explosive information. The details behind the conversation that Wright revealed Obama had tried to buy his silence for $150,000. Check out the interview which sheds new light on the depths Obama will go -- watch it HERE.

Glenn's Charity Auction: Glenn's charity, Mercury One, is currently holding an online charity auction to fuel our mission leading up to the Restoring Love event in July. Don't miss your chance to start bidding on some of the most exclusive items and experiences you'll ever find. Auction items include art, sporting experiences, celebrity visits, tours and more! Place your bid now.

Greece Armageddon
While the media focuses coverage on less than important stories like the Facebook IPO and the John Dirtbag Edwards trial, Greece is on the verge of collapse. Why does this matter to you? Because if Greece falls, we all fall. Glenn talks about Greece's pending economic disaster on radio - WATCH

47-year-old patriot discovers "weird" trick that instantly slashes your electric bill and frees you from the corrupt government's energy choke-hold. HERE
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The TRUTH about what's really happening on our borders: Glenn heard your requests and decided to release Rumors of War III on DVD. This is one of the most important hours of television to come out of GBTV. Share this documentary with your friends and family. Get all the details.

Is this a joke? Study on studies on studies...
Unfortunately this is not a joke - the government is indeed funding studies on studies. This makes studies like the mating habits of turtles actually look sane by comparison. If you feel like reading something that will make your head explode, check out the study on studies HERE.

"I lost a lot of sleep reading it…" - Tim LaHaye, author of the bestselling LEFT BEHIND series
Glenn's publishing division, Mercury Ink, has introduced a brand new way to experience the unmatched exhilaration of a great book: ten heart-stopping episodes released over the course of one year. Wrath & Righteousness is a techno-thriller that combines the action of a Vince Flynn or Brad Thor novel with the spirituality of Tim LaHaye and John Hagee. Get the details on the first episode of this one of a kind e-book series.
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