Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch assaulted by radical leftists...(video)

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July 19, 2011
On Today's Program

News Corp scandal just plain bizarre: Murdoch assaulted (video)
UPDATE: Reports claim Murdoch was physically assaulted by a radical activist from the group UK Uncut today. If that sounds familiar - it's because Glenn has covered this radical group extensively on TV. Visit The Blaze for the latest updates. 
Rupert Murdoch says this is the most 'humble' day of his life and says he had no idea what was going on in the phone hacking scandal. Murdoch also pointed out that the News of the World was only 1% of News Corp's business - but that's not stopping the left from trying to link the scandal to Fox News. What doesn't help matters is all kinds of players in this story are resigning (even ones not being charged) and the guy who blew the whistle on the whole story turned up dead this week. Strange. Glenn has reaction on radio today. WATCH
Bill Clinton: I'd be more like a dictator on debt ceiling issue
Former President Bill Clinton weighed in on the debt crisis and said if he were President he'd just go ahead and declare the debt ceiling itself illegal and 'let the courts' fight him on it. Oh, how Hugo Chavez of you, Bill! This talk is nothing new - not long ago Nancy Pelosi declared Democrats would 'parachute in' if they had to in order to jam government healthcare down America's throats. Get all the details HERE.
Markdown teams with the NRA
There's no better time than right now to be a member of the National Rifle Association. This administration has made no bones about being anti-gun and through regulation they are making it as difficult as possible for you to own a gun. The NRA has been the one, constant force holding the line against the anti-gun crowd. If you've been waiting to become part of the 2nd Amendment's best friend - NOW is the perfect time to join thanks to a great deal on a NRA membership from Markdown. View the deal HERE.
Billionaire Steve Wynn: Businesses are 'afraid'
Billionaire Steve Wynn lashed out at President Obama calling the discussion in Washington 'nauseating' and has businesses owners crippled in fear. He went on to say that Obama's redistribution of wealth talk and polices are 'weird' and hurting businesses all across the country. Wynn doesn't hold back - and it's quite amazing to hear the perspective of a powerful businessman trying to deal with, as he puts it, a 'Marxist' President. Watch it HERE.
Allen West: Obama is a Marxist
Congressman Allen West is another guy who speaks freely and that no-holds-barred attitude was on full display this week. During an interview he both bluntly and correctly describes Obama's policies as 'Marxist' leaving anyone listening to him yearning for him to declare he's running for President. Find out why so many people are practically begging West to throw his hat into the ring HERE.
Glenn's Chief of Staff caught in embarrassing 'lie'
Glenn is giving the keynote speech at CUFI (Christians United for Israel) this evening and dropped a bombshell statistic on radio today: that CUFI sponsors 40 events a day. That sounded too good to be true, and Glenn Beck Program statistical guru Steve 'Stu' Burguiere immediately questioned its authenticity, as did co-host Pat Gray. Glenn wanted to get to the bottom of it -- was CUFI really this awesome of an organization? He called Chief of Staff Joe Kerry, who started the entire charade, and asked him to explain himself. Is Kerry a lying liar? Will heads roll? Will Glenn's speech tonight be affected? DETAILS
5 Ways to breathe Better Now

If you can't climb more than one flight of stairs without resting. If you're doing less because everything seems harder. If your breathing is getting worse and you're getting worried. Discover 5 simple things you can do to improve your breathing & feel better HERE.

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Congressman Jason Chaffetz on the debt ceiling
Glenn did the show live from Washington D.C. today and declared it's the only city in America that has any construction going on. Government keeps expanding as the debt ceiling choice looms. Will Congress do the right thing? Or will they cave to political pressures and continue business as usual in DC and cripple America with more debt? Glenn spoke with one Congressman who is trying to hold the line - check out the conversation HERE
The latest Glenn Beck chalkboard lesson
Glenn doesn't lend the chalkboard to just anyone. Economist David Malpass stopped by Glenn's office and took over the chalkboard to break down the debt ceiling debate and explain the significance of our AAA rating. Does the rating even matter? Find out with this free GBTV clip - WATCH. Be sure and tune in tomorrow to an all new Beck University class - The Economic Consequences of Idology. It will be available on demand tomorrow only on GBTV
The worst argument ever? Left attacks Perry for mentioning Jesus
God must have a special place prepared for all those on the far left who twist, distort and lie in order to silence anyone in public office from talking about Jesus. Governor Rick Perry dare mention Jesus, and it didn't take long for the hack 'separation of church and state' arguments to pop up. Get the duct tape out and listen to one of the worst arguments of all time HERE.
Did you know? America has the 'most progressive' tax system
Obama is constantly complaining that the wealthy are not taxed enough, and if we could just take more money from the rich everything would be ok. Given that's the class warfare being played right now, people may be surprised to learn that of the developed nations, America already takes the most money from its wealthiest citizens. Get the details HERE.
Glenn's interview with Daniel Silva: Glenn talks books, Israel and more with popular fiction writer Daniel Silva - check out the interesting conversation HERE.
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