| July 20, 2011 | | On Today's Program Ouch: Chris Matthews humiliated by GOP Congressman Chris Matthews is still playing the type of politics the American people are sick and tired of, just one of the many reasons for his infinitesimal ratings. Last night he interviewed (interview in this case = pathetically attacked) Congressman Joe Walsh on the debt ceiling debate and the proposed 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan, arguing it's not really a plan at all. Walsh wasn't having any of it and let Matthews have it - Glenn has the interview and more on the debt ceiling debate on radio today. WATCH Glenn's interview with Congressman Mike Lee Congressman Lee, the sponsor of 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan coming from the GOP, spoke with Glenn on radio today about the hurdles this proposal has been through and the hurdles that lie ahead. This is a proposal that comes from the freshman class of Congressman who are doing their best to change the way business is done in Washington - will they get it done? Check out the conversation today HERE. Plus, check out Congressman Lee's new book: The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government. | |  | Glenn Beck: 'Life is like Angry Birds' What happens when thousands of Christians get together in Washington D.C. to support the Jewish people? The media completely ignores it. The only possible explanation for why is that it doesn't fit their agenda. Glenn gave the keynote speech at CUFI last night (Christians United for Israel) and was so impressed he actually joined - something he rarely ever does. Glenn talked a little about the speech on radio today - including his controversial 'Angry Birds' reference. You can watch Glenn's full keynote speech HERE. The other group Glenn has joined? The NRA. And thanks to the latest deal from Markdown.com, you can join at an incredibly low price. CLICK FOR DETAILS. Does reading the Bible raise interest in Social Justice? In a ground breaking (sarc) study, researchers have found out that God may actually transcend the Republicans and the Democrats. The study also finds that the more the Bible is read, the more people become opposed to abortion, but also claims that readers 'moderate' their views and support 'social justice' - Glenn breaks down the article on radio today. Get all the details HERE. | |  | There is no liberty without freedom, there is no freedom without self-defense, and there is no self-defense without the Second Amendment. Gun opponents believe now is their big opportunity, and they have ramped up their attacks. The NRA is fighting back it's time to join the fight. Find out how at Markdown.com. | | | | Jesus makes appearance on Wal-Mart receipt? Get the story from The Blaze. Stu Blog: Know someone who thinks the rich don't pay their fair share? Send them this quick quiz. GBTV: New Beck U class & episode of 'Uncensored' The new Beck University class - The Economic Consequences of Ideology - unravels the web of intrigue that is the Middle East's oil production and how that affects America and the rest of the world. PLUS - there's a new episode of "Uncensored" on demand Friday! GOP presidential contender Herman Cain joins S.E Cupp to talk about the criticism he's faced by being a black conservative, liberals won't like his answer - check out the FREE CLIP and get full access to the interview on Friday by signing up for GBTV! Loving San Francisco libs target police This paragraph from The Blaze sums up the scene: " They can't shoot us all." Others chanted, "How do you spell murder? S-F-P-D." Video posted on YouTube also shows protesters shouting, "Cops! Pigs! Murderers!" while also carrying a sign saying, "Fu** the police:" Get the full story HERE. | | | | |
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