December 13, 2010  | On Today's Program CNN attacks Glenn Fareed Zakaria apparently thinks it's a good idea to take Glenn on, even when the facts are not 100% in his favor. In fact, they are 0% in his favor. So while one can admire the courage it took to jump in the ring and start taking swings at Glenn - it's an ill advised strategy. Stu had already laid out the ironclad case to back up Glenn's (off handed) claim that 10% of Muslims are terrorists - and had no trouble absolutely destroying Fareed's lame point. Check out Stu's blog HERE and catch the segment on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Wilmington Christmas rapidly approaching Make this a Christmas to remember - spend it with Glenn Beck and the amazing people of Wilmington, Ohio! Glenn is getting ready to set up shop and broadcast from the city he has called the ground zero of the recession. These people are handling the crisis in a way that would make the Founders proud. If you want to be part of this once in a lifetime event - great news: you can be! Get tickets for the radio show and the premium package by clicking HERE. All net proceeds from both events will be going to local non-profits in Wilmington. Get all the details HERE and get to know the people of WIlmington HERE. CAN'T MAKE IT TO WILMINGTON? We've got your back with Insider Extreme! Subscribers will have access to all the action LIVE! Here's just some of what you'll see this Wednesday: - Glenn on radio with a live studio audience!
- 7:30pm EST catch an encore presentation of the new holiday classic documentary, “American Traditions: Christmas” which explores the history of the American Christmas and the favorite yuletide memories of Glenn, Buzz Aldrin, Alveda King, Santa Claus and others. Watch a FREE preview of the documentary HERE.
- 8pm EST Glenn takes the stage with “America’s First Christmas” and talks about the true meaning of Christmas.
- And so much more! Get all of the programming updates and details HERE.
Not an Insider Extreme member? NOW is the time to join!  Glenn reviews "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" The latest movie in the Narnia series, based on the bestselling books from C.S. Lewis, came in at #1 at the weekend box office. Of course, the media is trying to find a way to minimize the impact of the movie by claiming it earned less money than the first two did in the series on their opening weekend. That's true - but not by much, and considering we are in the middle of the 'great recession' that's not too shabby. Glenn actually had a chance to see the movie and gave it glowing reviews on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) If you are a schlub... And have left all of your Christmas shopping till the last minute, Glenn has a bailout for you! Do all your shopping in one, safe, convenient, fun place -! Thrill the conservative in your life, and torture the progressive in your life. Either way, you win! Check out the 2010 Glenn Beck Holiday Gift Guide. Find all kinds of great gifts from books to tour tickets to one of a kind shirts - shop HERE! What are we building? Some bizarre audio from the weekend - first up, President Bill Clinton decides to take over for President Obama at a press conference after Obama says he's gotta bail. Here's the obligatory 'imagine if George W. Bush had 41 step in and close out a press conference?' Plus, the push for bigger government continues with Bernie Sanders asking when enough is enough (income) - Glenn has the audio and more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) New fast food banned in South L.A. Goodbye cheeseburgers, hello nanny state! In South L.A. they have actually banned new fast food establishments from taking root. “This is not an attempt to control people as to what they can put into their mouths. This is an attempt to diversify their food options” said council member Jan Perry in a statement she clearly made before thinking. Not only is this move a slap in the face to every adult in South L.A. who feels capable of choosing their own meals, it's also going to hurt the local economy. Get the full story at The Blaze. TV Tonight: What's the true motive behind WikiLeaks? Glenn has that and much more tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |