December 7, 2010  | On Today's Program Perhaps you've noticed... Perhaps you've noticed that the Christmas season is upon us - the cold weather, the snow, the music, the road rage - it's all here and it thrusts you right back in to that Christmas mode. It seems like Christmas has been around forever - but it actually wasn't that long ago that The New York Times called Christmas trees 'a rootless and lifeless corpse not worthy of the day'. Tonight Mercury Radio Arts presents "American Traditions: Christmas" featuring the true history of the American observance and the favorite yuletide memories of Glenn Beck, Andy Williams, Janine Turner, Ted Nugent, Alveda King, Buzz Aldrin, Peter Billingsley (aka Ralphie from A Christmas Story) and, of course, Santa himself. This documentary premieres TONIGHT on Insider Extreme @ 8pm EST. Not an Insider Extreme member? Now is a great time to join. Get all the details HERE. Celebrate Christmas with Glenn & Co this year in Wilmington, Ohio! Glenn will be heading out to Wilmington, Ohio next week to celebrate Christmas but more importantly to celebrate a town that gets it. Going through incredibly tough times has not dampened spirits or the community attitude - caring for one another in any way they can to help the town stay afloat. A truly amazing success story in the middle of adversity. Reserve you place in Wilmington - and let us know you are coming! Get more info HERE. PLUS: Don't have your copy of BROKE autographed yet? Stop by, meet Glenn & have him sign it next week in Ohio. Get details HERE. Assange intrigue Julian Assange was arrested today on charges unrelated to the WikiLeak saga - they were sexual assault charges stemming from August. Not to say Assange is a saint, clearly the man has a few character issues, but the charges against him don't appear to be solid. In fact, the whole thing smells fishy - Glenn has more on the breaking news today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)  Ayers anger: I never denounced my violence! Weather Underground radical Bill Ayers was actually offended by an interviewer who suggested Ayers had a history of denouncing his violent past in previous interviews and reprimanded the host. Apparently he's proud of his violent past - and he sees similarities between himself, the Weather Underground, and Julian Assange. Glenn has the audio and reaction on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Clip) See the full video clip from The Blaze. What's up with Russia? While the media and all the national attention is focused on Julian Assange - is anyone watching what the other hand is doing? As we debate if Assange should be in jail or not, Russia is quietly grabbing control of 50% of America's uranium output and meeting with the President about implementing the new smart grid. What does Russia have up their sleeve? Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Sharpton: Rush can say what he wants...except The Reverend Al Sharpton is the latest in a long line of lefties to call for some form of the fairness doctrine - that must be what he's saying because he wants Rush Limbaugh off the air immediately because he might 'offend' someone. It's the kind of policy that would make Hugo Chavez proud - but it's also just a really stupid point. Glenn has the audio of yet another lefty who can't compete on the battlefield of ideas and resorts to silencing opponents. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Stu destroys lib media Oh no he didn't! Stu absolutely destroys the media after many expressed total shock at the '10%' of Muslims are radical statistic. Apparently the media believes that there are no bad Muslims around the world, which comes as news to everyone else - the numbers are so bad that Glenn deserves an apology, he really does. Check out Stu's blog HERE and check out this FREE CLIP from radio today. Operation Coleslaw! Don't miss the Simulcast Encore: this Wednesday night at 7:30 pm local time. Find a local theater HERE. Which politician is caught singing Christmas Classics - very, very badly? Find out on today's 4th Hour, exclusively on Insider Extreme! |