November 29, 2010  | On Today's Program Why this? Why now? WikiLeaks explained... Another batch of WikiLeaks came out over the weekend, and there wasn't anything real shocking in any of the documents. These are all things most Americans knew in their gut were true - the leaks only verify the assumptions. So forget what is in the leaks. The more important question is why are they coming out now? Who's supporting the people releasing all of this classified info? Glenn explains on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip) LJ has gone Loco! Glenn's merchandising Czar 'LJ' has gone completely 'loco'! He's slashing prices on all merchandise items. Prices so low they can't be mentioned in this newsletter! LJ will probably get fired for all of these unauthorized prices! Bad for him, but great for you! Unfortunately, LJ will return to his senses in less than 24 hours - so drop by and get great deals on great Christmas presents today! Before it's TOO LATE! Check out Glenn's reaction on radio today. Nigel Farage goes loco on EU Speaking at the European Union, Farage (the leader of the UK Independence Party and co-president of Europe of Freedom and Democracy) unleashed on members of the EU in a speech that sounded like it could have been given by Glenn Beck himself. A fantastic rant that is catching fire on the Internet - mostly because everyone knows that everything he is saying is (sadly) absolutely true. Watch the video HERE and check out Glenn's reaction on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)  Howard Dean has gone Loco too The former governor actually said that government should pick guests on Fox and MSNBC because ignorant Americans don't know what's going on. He says 'sanctioned human beings' should be having the debate (not sure who would 'sanction' people to make them suitable for air) and he refers to Fox News as 'Fox flooze' (seriously, how did this guy lose in 2004?). Glenn has the amazing audio and reaction on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Glenn hits movie theaters this THURSDAY! The only screen big enough (literally) to fit Glenn – he’s coming to a movie theater near you! Glenn's unique live simulcast, Broke: Restarting the Engine of America, will be in movie theaters nationwide this THURSDAY, December 2nd. America is Broke - can it be fixed? As America faces one of its greatest crisis in history, join Glenn in becoming a part of the solution. This is an event you absolutely cannot miss. Bring your friends, family & neighbors and get tickets at your local theater HERE. Why the Food Safety Bill isn't really safe: Senator Orrin Hatch has this exclusive op-ed for the email newsletter. READ Jim Wallis: Fox News assassinates Obama's religion Interesting choice of words coming from Obama's spiritual advisor - it's just not something you say when you are talking about the President. He complains that it's Fox who is spreading that Obama is a Muslim - really? Actions speak louder than words. And if there is a cloud around Obama's beliefs, it's all on him. He's not doing anything to help quell the 'myth'. Glenn explains on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Brad Thor One of Glenn's favorite fiction writers dropped by to talk about the news of the day and his latest book The Athena Project. Brad Thor always has a unique take on the events of the day, and often has new information not yet in the mainstream news. Check out the conversation on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Now playing on Insider Extreme: Don't miss the only non-apocalyptic based hour on the Glenn Beck Insider Extreme! The 4th Hour with Stu & Pat - they cover all the essential non economic collapse related topics: Parades and Musicals, Running up the score in football - you know, the important stuff. Hear the fun today on The 4th Hour! TV Tonight: Glenn explains the real story brewing behind the WikiLeaks saga. Don't miss it tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |