November 23, 2010  | On Today's Program And the chaos begins... Tensions around the globe are rising after North Korea opened fire on a South Korea island, killing two and injuring others, prompting South Korea to return fire. Could this be the moment that sets the world on fire? Glenn talks about the incident and how it is going to play around the globe on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Glenn & O'Reilly Glenn talked with Bill O'Reilly on radio today, covering everything from the mess in South Korea/North Korea to the TSA controversy. What does the king of cable news think is coming? Check out today’s interview ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip). Don't miss your chance to see Glenn and Bill live at the Bold & Fresh tour. Find a tour stop near you! Can’t see them live? Get your hands on the all new Bold & Fresh DVD - check out the preview trailer for it HERE. Order your copy NOW! Gov healthcare killing machine Government healthcare in England is literally leaving patients screaming in pain and dying of thirst, as the nurses refuse to leave water for patients at night for 'health and safety'. This is the system Obama’s Medicare/Medicaid Czar Don Berwick said he was 'in love' with. You'd think he'd be in love with a system that didn't leave patients in a place where the plants got more water than they did (America's healthcare system!). Get the full story from The Blaze HERE.  TSA story not going away It's the story that never dies as accounts from travelers and their experiences getting through the TSA keep pouring in to the media. Some are bogus, some are old - but some are legit. The latest one that has everyone fuming is the bladder cancer survivor who was treated so horribly by TSA agents he was left crying in urine soaked clothes. Glenn has more on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) See Glenn at the movies! Thursday, December 2nd Glenn hits the big screen for a live simulcast performance based around his latest best-selling book Broke: The Plan to Restore our Trust, Truth and Treasure. Find out how you can be part of this unique and entertaining event – find a movie theater near you HERE! Glenn previews the can’t miss event on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Video Clip) Moronic millionaires beg for higher taxes A group of prominent millionaires decided to take time out of their busy lives and write a letter to President Obama essentially begging to be taxed more. This news should give all you non-millionaires hope. If people this stupid can make a million dollars, obviously it can't be that hard. As Neil Cavuto points out - these dolts could have saved a lot of time by simply writing a check instead of a letter. Get the full story HERE. Now playing on Insider Extreme: Catch up with any Beck University classes you missed on demand. And don’t miss Stu’s exclusive interview with Bjorn Lomborg, environmentalist and author of the book Cool It, as they discuss the global warming debate – tomorrow at 1pm directly following the 4th hour. Be part of Insider Extreme today! TV Tonight: How can the stages of grief help America navigate through danger to safety? Glenn explains tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! |