August 30, 2010  | On Today's Program Glenn's speech Missed Glenn's speech or want to watch it again? We've got your back. You can watch it HERE. Plus, Glenn is extremely grateful to each and every person who took the time out of their busy lives to venture to Washington D.C. for the event. Here's a special thank you message from Glenn to you. WATCH What does it all mean? The media seems to be having a hard time understanding that the Restoring Honor event was actually about Restoring Honor and not a GOP election booster. Since the media completely missed the mark on the meaning of the event, Glenn recaps what it is each and every individual should be doing in their own lives to help start turning the country around. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Expect miracles: An amazing moment happened just as the event kicked off and the music started rolling - a flock of geese flew in perfect V formation over the Reflecting Pool straight towards the Lincoln Memorial. God’s version of a military fly over? Someone caught it on video - decide for yourself. WATCH Hilarious crowd reports From 'tens of thousands' to CBS and their '87,000' number, the media bent over backwards to describe Saturday's sea of humanity on the mall in an unflattering manner. The media didn't hesitate to offer up generous numbers for Barack Obama's large crowds, but they've trotted out 'crowd experts' to try and nail this one down. Glenn talks about not just the size of the crowd -- but more importantly the quality of the people who made up that crowd. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) 8/28 in pictures: Take a look at these incredible photos from Saturday!  Left desperate to get Glenn off air Since they cannot win the debate, progressives are desperate to get Glenn off the air in any way they can. They are getting so desperate, in fact, that a former Air America editor (and blogger in the President’s news source of choice: The Huffington Post) has resorted to offering $100,000 for a Glenn Beck sex tape or 'anything' that will get him off the air. Glenn responds to this insidious attack on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme clip) UPDATE from HuffPo -- Editor's Note: This piece was published directly to The Huffington Post by its author. It didn't meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site. NY Times reports Glenn reads the review from The New York Times and surprisingly it's not half bad. While much of the media missed the mark completely, The Times hit at least a few nails on the head in regards to Saturday’s Restoring Honor event. How does America's 'paper of record' view Saturday in DC? Find out on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Insider Extreme Subscribers: Check out all the footage in the SPECIAL TAB from Glenn's week in DC including his trip to Arlington National Cemetery and his visit to The Kennedy Center. More exclusive content will be released daily as the week progresses including speeches from Glenn and Sarah Palin at the 8/28 Breakfast. Plus the final Beck University summer class will premiere Wednesday at 8pm EST: Charity 103 with Professor James Stoner. All summer classes are available on demand. Don't miss out on all this exclusive content, become an Insider Extreme member today! 8/28 newspaper coverage: They may have missed the point of it all, but at least they reported on it. Check out all the cover stories on the Restoring Honor Rally. |